PHP Hacks: Tips & Tools For Creating Dynamic Websites (Paperback)
Programmers love its flexibility and speed; designers love its
accessibility and convenience. When it comes to creating web sites, the PHP
scripting language is truly a red-hot property. In fact, PHP is currently used
on more than 19 million web sites, surpassing Microsoft's ASP .NET technology
in popularity. Not surprisingly, this surge in usage has resulted in a number
of PHP books hitting the market. Only one, though, takes the language beyond
traditional Web programming and into mapping, graphing, multimedia, and
beyond: PHP Hacks.
In PHP Hacks, author Jack Herrington wrings out his 20 years of
code generation experience to deliver hands-on tools ranging from basic PHP
and PEAR installation and scripting to advanced multimedia and database
optimizing tricks.
On the practical side of things, PHP Hacks helps you develop
more robust PHP applications by explaining how to improve your database
design, automate application testing, and employ design patterns in your PHP
scripts and classes. In the category of "cool," Herrington explains how to
upgrade your Web interface through the creation of tabs, stickies, popups, and
calendars. He even examines how to leverage maps and graphics in PHP. There's
also a bounty of image and application hacks, including those that show you
how to:
Integrate web sites with Google maps and satellite imaging
Dynamically display iPhoto libraries online
Add IRC, SMS, and Instant Messaging capabilities to your Web
Drop the latest Wikipedia dictionary onto your Sony PSP
Render graphics and user interfaces with SVG, DHTML, and
Table of
Chapter 1. Installation and Basics
1. Install PHP 2. Install
PEAR Modules
Chapter 2. Web Design 3. Create
a Skinnable Interface 4. Build a
Breadcrumb Trail 5. Create HTML
Boxes 6. Add Tabs to Your Web
Interface 7. Give Your Customers
Formatting Control with XSL 8. Build
Lightweight HTML Graphs 9. Properly
Size Image Tags 10. Send HTML
Chapter 3. DHTML 11. Put an
Interactive Spreadsheet on Your Page
- Create Pop-Up Hints 13. Create
Drag-and-Drop Lists 14. Build
Dynamic HTML Graphs 15. Section Your
Content with Spinners 16. Create
Drop-Down Stickies 17. Create
Dynamic Navigation Menus 18. Obscure
JavaScript Dynamically 19. Build a
DHTML Binary Clock 20. Tame Ajax
with JSON 21. Make a DHTML
Slideshow 22. Add Vector Graphics
with PHP 23. Build a Color
Selector 24. Create Link
Graphs 25. Create an Interactive
Calendar 26. Create the Google Maps
Scrolling Effect
Chapter 4. Graphics 27. Create
Thumbnail Images 28. Create
Beautiful Graphics with SVG 29.
Simplify Your Graphics with Objects - Split One Image into Multiple Images
31. Create Graphs with PHP - Create Image Overlays 33. Access
Your iPhoto Pictures with PHP
Chapter 5. Databases and XML 34.
Design Better SQL Schemas 35. Create
Bulletproof Database Access 36.
Create Dynamic Database Access Objects
37. Generate CRUD Database Code
38. Read XML on the Cheap with Regular Expressions
39. Export Database Schema as XML
40. Create a Simple XML Query Handler for Database
Access 41. Generate Database
SQL 42. Generate Database Select
Code 43. Convert CSV to
PHP 44. Scrape Web Pages for
Data 45. Suck Data from Excel
Uploads 46. Load Your Database from
Excel 47. Search Microsoft Word
Documents 48. Create RTF Documents
Dynamically 49. Create Excel
Spreadsheets Dynamically 50. Create
a Message Queue
Chapter 6. Application Design - Create Modular Interfaces 52.
Support Wiki Text 53. Turn Any
Object into an Array 54. Create XML
the Right Way 55. Fix the Double
Submit Problem 56. Create
User-Customizable Reports 57. Create
a Login System 58. Apply Security by
Role 59. Migrate to MD5
Passwords 60. Make Usable URLs with
mod_rewrite 61. Build an Ad
Redirector 62. Add a Buy Now
Button 63. Find Out Where Your
Guests Are Coming From 64. Import
Information from vCards 65. Create
vCard Files from Your Application's Data
66. Create a Shopping Cart
Chapter 7. Patterns 67. Observe
Your Objects 68. Create Objects with
Abstract Factories 69. Flexible
Object Creation with Factory Methods - Abstract Construction Code with a Builder
71. Separate What from How with Strategies
72. Link Up Two Modules with an Adapter
73. Write Portable Code with Bridges
74. Build Extensible Processing with
Chains 75. Break Up Big Classes with
Composites 76. Simplify APIs Using a
Fa蓷de 77. Create Constant Objects
with Singletons 78. Ease Data
Manipulation with Visitors
Chapter 8. Testing 79. Test Your
Code with Unit Tests 80. Generate
Your Unit Tests 81. Check for Broken
Links 82. Test Your Application with
Simulated Users 83. Test Your
Application with Robots 84. Spider
Your Site 85. Generate Documentation
Chapter 9. Alternative UIs 86.
Create Custom Maps with MapServer - Build GUI Interfaces with GTk
- Send RSS Feeds to Your IM Application Using Jabber
89. IRC Your Web Application
90. Read RSS Feeds on Your PSP
91. Search Google by Link Graph
92. Create a New Interface for
93. Send SMS Messages from Your IM Client
94. Generate Flash Movies on the Fly
Chapter 10. Fun Stuff 95. Create
Custom Google Maps 96. Create
Dynamic Playlists 97. Create a Media
Upload/Download Center 98. Check
Your Network Game with PHP 99. Put
Wikipedia on Your PSP 100. Create a
Weather Showdown