Programming with STM32: Getting Started with the Nucleo Board and C/C++

Programming with STM32: Getting Started with the Nucleo Board and C/C++

作者: Donald Norris
出版社: McGraw-Hill Education
出版在: 2018-02-28
ISBN-13: 9781260031317
ISBN-10: 1260031314
裝訂格式: Paperback
總頁數: 304 頁


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Create your own STM32 programs with ease!
Get up and running programming the STM32 line of microcontrollers from STMicroelectronics using the hands-on information contained in this easy-to-follow guide. Written by an experienced electronics hobbyist and author, Programming with STM32: Getting Started with the Nucleo Board and C/C++ features start-to-finish projects that clearly demonstrate each technique. Discover how to set up a stable development toolchain, write custom programs, download your programs to the development board, and execute them. You will even learn how to work with external servos and LED displays!
•Explore the features of STM32 microcontrollers from STMicroelectonics
•Configure your Nucleo-64 Microcontroller development board
•Establish a toolchain and start developing interesting applications 
•Add specialized code and create cool custom functions
•Automatically generate C code using the STM32CubeMX application
•Work with the ARM Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard and the STM hardware abstraction layer (HAL).
•Control servos, LEDs, and other hardware using PWM
•Transfer data to and from peripheral devices using DMA
•Generate waveforms and pulses through your microcontroller’s DAC


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