UML 2.0 Pocket Reference

UML 2.0 Pocket Reference

作者: Dan Pilone
出版社: O'Reilly
出版在: 2006-04-04
ISBN-13: 9780596102081
ISBN-10: 0596102089
裝訂格式: Paperback
總頁數: 138 頁



Globe-trotting travelers have long resorted to handy, pocket-size
dictionaries as an aid to communicating across the language barrier. Dan
Pilone's UML 2.0 Pocket Reference is just such an aid for on-the-go
developers who need to converse in the Unified Modeling Language (UML). Use
this book to decipher the many UML diagrams you'll encounter on the path to
delivering a modern software system.
Updated to cover the very latest in UML, you'll find coverage of
the following UML 2.0 diagram types:

Class diagrams
Component diagrams
Sequence diagrams

Communication diagrams
Timing diagrams

Interaction Overview diagrams
Package diagrams

Deployment diagrams
Use case diagrams
Composite structure diagrams

Activity diagrams
Statechart diagrams
* New or expanded coverage in this

Also new in this edition is coverage of UML's Object Constraint
Language (OCL). Using OCL, you can specify more narrowly the functionality
described in a given diagram by recording limits that are the result of
business rules and other factors.
The UML 2.0 Pocket Reference travels well to meetings and
fits nicely into your laptop bag. It's near impossible to memorize all aspects
of UML, and with this book along, you won't have to.


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