Network Programming with Go Language: Essential Skills for Programming, Using and Securing Networks with Open Source Google Golang
1: Architectural Layers2: Overview of the Go Language3: Socket-Level Programming4: Data Serialization5: Application-Level Protocols6: Managing Character Sets and Encodings7: Security8: HTTP9: Templates10: A Complete Web Server11: HTML12: XML13: Remote Procedure Call14: REST15: WebSockets16: Gorilla17: TestingAppendix A: FuzzingAppendix B: Generics
Jan Newmarch, Ph.d., is Head of Higher Education (ICT), Box Hill Institute, Adjunct Senior Research Fellow, Faculty of IT, Monash University, and Adjunct Lecturer, School of Computing and Mathematics Charles Sturt University.Ronald Petty is a Principal Consultant at RX-M LLC. His programming expertise is in open source languages like Go, Ruby and more. He currently is working on a number of Go code projects on Github.