Adobe Master Class: Photoshop Inspiring artwork and tutorials by established and emerging artists

Adobe Master Class: Photoshop Inspiring artwork and tutorials by established and emerging artists

作者: Ibarionex Perello
出版社: Adobe Press
出版在: 2013-01-06
ISBN-13: 9780321890481
ISBN-10: 0321890485
裝訂格式: Paperback
總頁數: 216 頁


This beautiful art showcase book from Adobe Press features 30 established and emerging Photoshop artists, their masterful work, and tutorials demonstrating their techniques for using Adobe Photoshop. Curated by renowned photographer and educator Ibarionex Perello, this book features an inspiring collection of innovative Photoshop artists and their amazing artwork. The images represent a mix of techniques and styles and are field-defining works that demonstrate technical excellence and awe-inspiring aesthetics. Readers will also appreciate the artists' commentary about their inspiration and philosophy about their art. In addition to the art showcase, this book includes several tutorial projects that teach techniques for working in Photoshop. The how-to content, comprising 25 to 30 percent of the book, is based on general Photoshop features, so this book can be useful for users of recent and future versions of the Photoshop software.


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