Analysis of Variance Designs: A Conceptual and Computational Approach with SPSS and SAS (Hardcover)

Analysis of Variance Designs: A Conceptual and Computational Approach with SPSS and SAS (Hardcover)

作者: Glenn Gamst Lawrence S. Meyers A. J. Guarino
出版社: Cambridge
出版在: 2008-09-01
ISBN-13: 9780521874816
ISBN-10: 0521874815
裝訂格式: Hardcover
總頁數: 594 頁


Analysis of Variance Designs presents the foundations of experimental design: assumptions, statistical significance, strength of effect, and the partitioning of the variance. Exploring the effects of one or more independent variables on a single dependent variable as well as two-way and three-way mixed designs, this textbook offers an overview of traditionally advanced topics for progressive undergraduates and graduate students in the behavioral and social sciences. Separate chapters are devoted to multiple comparisons (post hoc and planned/weighted), ANCOVA, and advanced topics. Each of the design chapters contains conceptual discussions, hand calculations, and procedures for the omnibus and simple effects analyses in both SPSS and the new "click and shoot" SAS Enterprise Guide interface.



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