PostgreSQL 8 for Windows
The easiest way to set up a PostgreSQL database server on
Get up-and-running on PostgreSQL quickly using this hands-on guide. Filled
with real-world examples, PostgreSQL 8 for Windows offers you
practical, step-by-step details on installing, configuring, and using
PostgreSQL 8--the full-featured, open-source database management system--on
Windows platforms. You'll learn to administer, secure, and tune your database
and use SQL. You'll also discover how to interface Microsoft Access, Microsoft
.NET, Visual C++, and Java with the PostgreSQL database.
Install and configure PostgreSQL 8 on Windows
Customize your system using the configuration files
Work with the utilities
Administer your database from the pgAdmin III graphical interface
Use the psql command line program to manually execute SQL commands
Take advantage of built-in functions or create your own stored
procedures and triggers
Implement tested security measures
Maintain optimal database performance
Access a PostgreSQL database from a Microsoft Access application and
migrate Access databases to PostgreSQL
Create .NET, Visual C++, and Java applications that interface with your
PostgreSQL server
Table of
Acknowledgments Introduction Part I. Installation and
Administration Chapter 1. Why PostgreSQL? Chapter 2. Installing
PostgreSQL on Windows Chapter 3. The PostgreSQL Files and Programs
Chapter 4. Managing PostgreSQL on Windows Part II. Using PostgreSQL in
Windows Chapter 5. The psql Program Chapter 6. Using Basic SQL
Chapter 7. Using Advanced SQL Chapter 8. PostgreSQL Functions
Chapter 9. Stored Procedures and Triggers Chapter 10. Security
Chapter 11: Performance Part III. Windows Programming with PostgreSQL
Chapter 12. Microsoft Access and PostgreSQL Chapter 13. Microsoft .NET
Framework Chapter 14. Visual C++ Chapter 14. Java