Data Analytics: Data Analytics AND Agile Project Management AND Machine Learning

Data Analytics: Data Analytics AND Agile Project Management AND Machine Learning

作者: Robert Keane
出版社: W. W. Norton
出版在: 2017-12-04
ISBN-13: 9781981383443
ISBN-10: 1981383441
裝訂格式: Paperback
總頁數: 238 頁


This Book Includes 3 ManuscriptsData AnalyticsMaster The Techniques For Data Science, Big Data And Data AnalyticsIf your business is like most, it is already generating a staggering amount of data on a regular basis. Understanding what this data truly means is key to succeeding in the marketplace these days and if you are looking for a way to give yourself an edge then Data Analytics is the book you have been waiting for.Inside this book you will find:Everything you need to know to get started completing the right kind of data analysis to benefit your business regardless of what that business isThe best ways to utilize predictive analysis effectivelyEasy to use machine learning and regression techniquesThe reasons why you need discrete choice models in your lifeAgile Project ManagementFocus On Continuous Improvement, Scope Flexibility, Team Input, And Delivering Essential Quality ProductsAgile Project Management has grown in popularity over the past several years. Change is occurring so fast that many organizations are unable to keep up with the demands of a changing global world. Your ability to quickly change and adapt to your environment will make or break, not only your career but could be the deciding factor as to whether your company survives in the coming years. Those that have implemented the Agile strategies you will learn in this book are the ones that are succeeding and will be around for years to come.  Look around at your peers. How many of them are looking to take that next step? The answer is probably very few but not you. You are an action taker. The fact that you are looking for a book like this says so.Here is some of what you will learn:The Benefits of Agile for you and your organizationAgile strategy and making Agile work within an organizationWhat is Scrum and how to implement itExplanation of ITIL and how it relates to AgileTools of the tradeCase Studies to show you Agile in actionAnd an added BONUS – THE SECRET WEAPONMachine LearningMaster The Three Types Of Machine LearningMachine learning is vital to the world of information technology. While many people may have no idea what machine learning is, they have probably used it sometime in their daily lives. For example, if you have ever done a search query on a search engine, you have worked with one form of machine learning. The program to do your search query has been trained to find the best results based on what you are looking for and it will also learn from the choices that you make.In this book you will find:Understanding the Basics of Machine LearningWhy should I Use Machine Learning?Machine Learning ApplicationsHow Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are DifferentStatistics and Probability TheoryThe Building Blocks of Machine LearningFormal Statistical Learning FrameworkPAC Learning StrategiesGeneralization Models in Machine LearningSupervised Machine LearningUnsupervised Machine LearningSupport Vector Machines Issues That Can Come Up In Machine LearningNow is the time! Get started on your Project Management journey today.Scroll Up And Click The "BUY" Button!


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