Communicating Embedded Systems: Networks Applications (Hardcover)

Communicating Embedded Systems: Networks Applications (Hardcover)

作者: Francine Krief
出版社: Wiley
出版在: 2010-02-22
ISBN-13: 9781848211445
ISBN-10: 1848211449
裝訂格式: Hardcover
總頁數: 320 頁


Embedded systems become more and more complex and require having some knowledge in various disciplines such as electronics, data processing, telecommunications and networks. Without detailing all the aspects related to the design of embedded systems, this book, which was written by specialists in electronics, data processing and telecommunications and networks, gives an interesting point of view of communication techniques and problems in embedded systems. This choice is easily justified by the fact that embedded systems are today massively communicating and that telecommunications and networks constitute the main sector of embedded systems.


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