The Java Programming Language, 4/e (Paperback)

The Java Programming Language, 4/e (Paperback)

作者: Ken Arnold James Gosling David Holmes
出版社: Addison Wesley
出版在: 2005-08-27
ISBN-13: 9780321349804
ISBN-10: 0321349806
裝訂格式: Paperback
總頁數: 928 頁


Table of

Preface   xxi
Chapter 1: A Quick Tour  
1.1  Getting Started  
11.2  Variables   31.3  Comments in
Code   61.4  Named Constants  
71.5  Unicode Characters   81.6  Flow of
Control   91.7  Classes and Objects  
121.8  Methods and Parameters  
151.9  Arrays   181.10  String
Objects   211.11  Extending a Class  
241.12  Interfaces   271.13  Generic
Types   291.14  Exceptions  
321.15  Annotations  
351.16  Packages   361.17  The Java
Platform   381.18  Other Topics Briefly
Noted   39
Chapter 2: Classes and Objects  
2.1  A Simple Class  
422.2  Fields   442.3  Access
Control   472.4  Creating Objects  
492.5  Construction and Initialization  
502.6  Methods  
562.7  this  
682.8  Overloading Methods  
692.9  Importing Static Member Names  
712.10  The main Method  
732.11  Native Methods   74
Chapter 3: Extending Classes  
3.1  An Extended Class  
763.2  Constructors in Extended Classes  
803.3  Inheriting and Redefining Members  
843.4  Type Compatibility and Conversion  
903.5  What protected Really Means  
933.6  Marking Methods and Classes
final   963.7  Abstract Classes and
Methods   973.8  The Object
Class   993.9  Cloning Objects  
1013.10  Extending Classes: How and When  
1073.11  Designing a Class to Be Extended  
1083.12  Single Inheritance versus Multiple
Inheritance   114
Chapter 4: Interfaces  
4.1  A Simple Interface
Example   1184.2  Interface Declarations  
1204.3  Extending Interfaces  
1224.4  Working with Interfaces  
1264.5  Marker Interfaces   1304.6  When
to Use Interfaces   131
Chapter 5: Nested Classes and
Interfaces   133
5.1  Static Nested Types  
1335.2  Inner Classes   1365.3  Local
Inner Classes   1425.4  Anonymous Inner
Classes   1445.5  Inheriting Nested Types  
1465.6  Nesting in Interfaces  
1485.7  Implementation of Nested Types  
Chapter 6: Enumeration Types  
6.1  A Simple Enum Example  
1516.2  Enum Declarations   1526.3  Enum
Constant Declarations   1546.4  java.lang.Enum
   1596.5  To Enum or Not  
Chapter 7: Tokens, Values, and
Variables   161
7.1  Lexical Elements  
1617.2  Types and Literals  
1667.3  Variables   1697.4  Array
Variables   1737.5  The Meanings of Names  
Chapter 8: Primitives as Types  
8.1  Common Fields and
Methods   1848.2  Void   
1878.3  Boolean   
1878.4  Number   
1888.5  Character   
1928.6  Boxing Conversions   198
Chapter 9: Operators and Expressions  
9.1  Arithmetic Operations  
2019.2  General Operators  
2049.3  Expressions   2149.4  Type
Conversions   2169.5  Operator Precedence and
Associativity   2219.6  Member Access  
Chapter 10: Control Flow 229
10.1  Statements and Blocks  
22910.2  if-else   
23010.3  switch   
23210.4  while and do-while
   23510.5  for   
23610.6  Labels   24110.7  break
   24110.8  continue   
24410.9  return   
24510.10  What, No goto?   246
Chapter 11: Generic Types  
11.1  Generic Type
Declarations   25011.2  Working with Generic
Types   25611.3  Generic Methods and
Constructors   26011.4  Wildcard Capture  
26411.5  Under the Hood: Erasure and Raw Types  
26711.6  Finding the Right Method--Revisited  
27211.7  Class Extension and Generic Types  
Chapter 12: Exceptions and Assertions
12.1  Creating Exception
Types   28012.2  throw   
28212.3  The throws Clause  
28312.4   try, catch, and
finally   28612.5  Exception
Chaining   29112.6  Stack Traces  
29412.7  When to Use Exceptions  
29412.8  Assertions   29612.9  When to
Use Assertions   29712.10  Turning Assertions On and
Off   300
Chapter 13: Strings and Regular
Expressions   305
13.1  Character Sequences  
30513.2  The String Class  
30613.3  Regular Expression Matching  
32113.4  The StringBuilder Class  
33013.5  Working with UTF-16   336
Chapter 14: Threads   337
14.1  Creating Threads  
33914.2  Using Runnable  
34114.3  Synchronization  
34514.4  wait, notifyAll, and
notify   35414.5  Details of Waiting and
Notification   35714.6  Thread Scheduling  
35814.7  Deadlocks   36214.8  Ending
Thread Execution   36514.9  Ending Application
Execution   36914.10   The Memory Model:
Synchronization and volatile   
37014.11  Thread Management, Security, and ThreadGroup
   37514.12  Threads and Exceptions  
37914.13  ThreadLocal Variables  
38214.14  Debugging Threads   384
Chapter 15: Annotations  
15.1  A Simple Annotation
Example   38815.2  Annotation Types  
38915.3  Annotating Elements  
39215.4  Restricting Annotation Applicability  
39315.5  Retention Policies  
39515.6  Working with Annotations   395
Chapter 16: Reflection  
16.1  The Class
Class   39916.2  Annotation Queries  
41416.3  The Modifier Class  
41616.4  The Member classes  
41616.5  Access Checking and
AccessibleObject   41716.6  The
Field Class   41816.7  The
Method Class   42016.8  Creating New
Objects and the Constructor Class  
42316.9  Generic Type Inspection  
42616.10   Arrays  
42916.11  Packages   43216.12  The
Proxy Class   43216.13  Loading
Classes   43516.14  Controlling Assertions at
Runtime   444
Chapter 17: Garbage Collection and
Memory   447
17.1  Garbage Collection  
44717.2  A Simple Model  
44817.3  Finalization  
44917.4  Interacting with the Garbage Collector  
45217.5  Reachability States and Reference Objects  
Chapter 18: Packages   467
18.1  Package Naming  
46818.2  Type Imports   46918.3  Package
Access   47118.4  Package Contents  
47518.5  Package Annotations  
47618.6  Package Objects and Specifications  
Chapter 19: Documentation Comments  
19.1  The Anatomy of a Doc
Comment   48219.2  Tags  
48319.3  Inheriting Method Documentation Comments  
48919.4  A Simple Example  
49119.5  External Conventions  
49619.6  Notes on Usage   497
Chapter 20: The I/O Package  
20.1  Streams Overview  
50020.2  Byte Streams  
50120.3  Character Streams  
50720.4  InputStreamReader and
OutputStreamWriter   51220.5  A Quick
Tour of the Stream Classes   51420.6  The Data Byte
Streams   53720.7  Working with Files  
54020.8  Object Serialization  
54920.9  The IOException Classes  
56320.10  A Taste of New I/O   565
Chapter 21: Collections  
21.1  Collections  
56721.2  Iteration   57121.3  Ordering
with Comparable and Comparator   
57421.4  The Collection Interface  
57521.5  Set and SortedSet
   57721.6  List   
58021.7  Queue   
58521.8  Map and SortedMap  
58721.9  enum Collections  
59421.10  Wrapped Collections and the Collections
Class   59721.11  Synchronized Wrappers and Concurrent
Collections   60221.12  The Arrays
Utility Class   60721.13  Writing Iterator
Implementations   60921.14  Writing Collection
Implementations   61121.15  The Legacy Collection
Types   61621.16  Properties  
Chapter 22: Miscellaneous Utilities  
22.1  Formatter
   62422.2  BitSet  
63222.3   Observer/Observable   
63522.4  Random   
63922.5  Scanner   
64122.6  StringTokenizer   
65122.7  Timer and
65322.8  UUID   65622.9  
Math and StrictMath    657
Chapter 23: System Programming  
23.1  The System
Class   66223.2  Creating Processes  
66623.3  Shutdown   67223.4  The Rest of
Runtime   67523.5  Security  
Chapter 24: Internationalization and
Localization   685
24.1  Locale  
68624.2  Resource Bundles  
68824.3  Currency   69424.4  Time,
Dates, and Calendars   69524.5  Formatting and Parsing
Dates and Times   70324.6  Internationalization and
Localization for Text   708
Chapter 25: Standard Packages 715
25.1  java.awt--The
Abstract Window Toolkit  
71725.2  java.applet--Applets  
72025.3   java.beans--Components  
72125.4  java.math--Mathematics  
72225.5 Network  
72425.6  java.rmi--Remote Method
Invocation   72725.7 and
Related Packages--Security Tools  
73225.8  java.sql--Relational Database
Access   73225.9  Utility Subpackages  
73325.10  javax.* --Standard Extensions  
73725.11  javax.accessibility--Accessibility for
GUIs   73725.12  javax.naming--Directory
and Naming Services  
73825.13  javax.sound--Sound
73925.14  javax.swing--Swing GUI
74025.15  org.omg.CORBA--CORBA APIs  
Appendix A: Application Evolution  
A.1  Language, Library, and Virtual
Machine Versions   741A.2  Dealing with Multiple
Dialects   743A.3  Generics: Reification, Erasure, and
Raw Types   744
Appendix B: Useful Tables  
Further Reading  


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