Calculus for Business, Economics, Life Sciences, and Social Sciences, 14/e (IE-Paperback)
· Full-color design and modern look helps students navigate the text and appeals to visual learners. This design refresh enhances the clean page layout that is free of potentially distracting elements. The figures in the text have been re-rendered using the latest software and re-conceived to take advantage of a full color palette in order to maximize their instructional potential.
· Reminder features in the side margin either remind students of a concept that is needed at that point in the book or direct the student back to the section in which it was covered earlier.
· Section 4.5 includes rewritten Theorem 3 on using the second-derivative test to find absolute extrema, making it applicable to more general intervals.
· Section 6.3 includes rewritten material on the future value of a continuous income stream to provide a more intuitive and less technical treatment.
MyLabTM Math not included. Students, if MyLab is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN and course ID. MyLab should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.
· Instructors now have more exercises than ever to choose from in assigning homework. Most new questions are application-oriented. There are approximately 4,200 assignable exercises in MyLab Math for this text.
· Setup & Solve exercises require students to show how they set up a problem as well as the solution, better mirroring what is required of students on tests.
· Additional Conceptual Questions provide support for assessing concepts and vocabulary. Many of these questions are application oriented.
· Enhanced Sample Assignments include just-in-time prerequisite review, help keep skills fresh with spaced practice of key concepts, and provide opportunities to work exercises without learning aids so students check their understanding. These assignments are editable in Mylab Math.
· A full suite ofInteractive Figures has been added to support teaching and learning. The figures illustrate key concepts and allow manipulation. They have been designed to be used in lecture as well as by students independently.
· Study skills modules help students with the life skills that can make the difference between passing and failing.
· MathTalk videos highlight applications of the content of the course to business. The videos are supported by assignable exercises.
· The Graphing Calculator Manual and Excel Spreadsheet Manual, both specific to this course, have been updated to support the TI-84 Plus CE (color edition) and Excel 2016, respectively. Both manuals also contain additional topics to support the course. These manuals are within the Tools for Success tab.
· Instructor and student resources can be downloaded from MyLab Math and have been enhanced to include the following resources:
o A Note-Taking Guide supports students as they take notes in class. It includes definitions, theorems, and statements of examples but has blank space for students to write solutions to examples and sample problems. The Note-Taking Guide corresponds to the Lecture PowerPoints that accompany the text.
o The Guide to Video-Based Assignments shows which MyLab Math exercises can be assigned for each video.
o An Instructor Answers document, with all answers in one place, augments the downloadable Instructor Solutions Manual.
· Full-color design and modern look helps students navigate the text and appeals to visual learners. This design refresh enhances the clean page layout that is free of potentially distracting elements. The figures in the text have been re-rendered using the latest software and re-conceived to take advantage of a full color palette in order to maximize their instructional potential.
· Reminder features in the side margin either remind students of a concept that is needed at that point in the book or direct the student back to the section in which it was covered earlier.
· Section 4.5 includes rewritten Theorem 3 on using the second-derivative test to find absolute extrema, making it applicable to more general intervals.
· Section 6.3 includes rewritten material on the future value of a continuous income stream to provide a more intuitive and less technical treatment.
MyLabTM Math not included. Students, if MyLab is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN and course ID. MyLab should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.
· Instructors now have more exercises than ever to choose from in assigning homework. Most new questions are application-oriented. There are approximately 4,200 assignable exercises in MyLab Math for this text.
· Setup & Solve exercises require students to show how they set up a problem as well as the solution, better mirroring what is required of students on tests.
· Additional Conceptual Questions provide support for assessing concepts and vocabulary. Many of these questions are application oriented.
· Enhanced Sample Assignments include just-in-time prerequisite review, help keep skills fresh with spaced practice of key concepts, and provide opportunities to work exercises without learning aids so students check their understanding. These assignments are editable in Mylab Math.
· A full suite ofInteractive Figures has been added to support teaching and learning. The figures illustrate key concepts and allow manipulation. They have been designed to be used in lecture as well as by students independently.
· Study skills modules help students with the life skills that can make the difference between passing and failing.
· MathTalk videos highlight applications of the content of the course to business. The videos are supported by assignable exercises.
· The Graphing Calculator Manual and Excel Spreadsheet Manual, both specific to this course, have been updated to support the TI-84 Plus CE (color edition) and Excel 2016, respectively. Both manuals also contain additional topics to support the course. These manuals are within the Tools for Success tab.
· Instructor and student resources can be downloaded from MyLab Math and have been enhanced to include the following resources:
o A Note-Taking Guide supports students as they take notes in class. It includes definitions, theorems, and statements of examples but has blank space for students to write solutions to examples and sample problems. The Note-Taking Guide corresponds to the Lecture PowerPoints that accompany the text.
o The Guide to Video-Based Assignments shows which MyLab Math exercises can be assigned for each video.
o An Instructor Answers document, with all answers in one place, augments the downloadable Instructor Solutions Manual.
- Functions and Graphs
- Limits and the Derivative
- Additional Derivative Topics
- Graphing and Optimization
- Integration
- Additional Integration Topics
- Multivariable Calculus
- Differential Equations
- Taylor Polynomials and Infinite Series
- Probability and Calculus
Appendix A: Basic Algebra Review
Appendix B: Special Topics (online)
Appendix C: Tables