Oracle PL/SQL Best Practices, 2/e

Oracle PL/SQL Best Practices, 2/e

作者: Steven Feuerstein
出版社: O'Reilly
出版在: 2007-10-01
ISBN-13: 9780596514105
ISBN-10: 0596514107
裝訂格式: Paperback
總頁數: 294 頁



In this compact book, Steven Feuerstein,
widely recognized as one of the world's leading experts on the Oracle PL/SQL
language, distills his many years of programming, teaching, and writing about
PL/SQL into a set of best practices-recommendations for developing successful
applications. Covering the latest Oracle release, Oracle Database 11g,
Feuerstein has rewritten this new edition in the style of his bestselling
Oracle PL/SQL Programming. The text is organized in a
problem/solution format, and chronicles the programming exploits of developers
at a mythical company called My Flimsy Excuse, Inc., as they write code, make
mistakes, and learn from those mistakes-and each other.This book
offers practical answers to some of the hardest questions faced by PL/SQL
developers, including:

What is the best way to write the SQL logic in my application
How should I write my packages so they can be leveraged by my entire
team of developers?
How can I make sure that all my team's programs handle and record errors
consistently? Oracle PL/SQL Best Practices summarizes
PL/SQL best practices in nine major categories: overall PL/SQL application
development; programming standards; program testing, tracing, and debugging;
variables and data structures; control logic; error handling; the use of SQL
in PL/SQL; building procedures, functions, packages, and triggers; and overall
program performance.This book is a concise and entertaining guide that
PL/SQL developers will turn to again and again as they seek out ways to write
higher quality code and more successful applications."This book
presents ideas that make the difference between a successful project and one
that never gets off the ground. It goes beyond just listing a set of rules,
and provides realistic scenarios that help the reader understand where the
rules come from. This book should be required reading for any team of Oracle
database professionals."--Dwayne King, President, KRIDAN
Table of Contents


  1. The Big Picture      Successful
    Applications Are Never an Accident      Best Practices
    for Successful Applications
  2. Real Developers Follow Standards      Best
    Practices for Developing and Using Standards
  3. Life After Compilation      Testing,
    Tracing, and Debugging      Best Practices for
    Testing, Tracing, and Debugging
    1. What's Code Without Variables?      Best
      Practices for Declaring Variables and Data Structures    
       Best Practices for Using Variables and Data Structures  
         Best Practices for Declaring and Using Package Variables
  4. Developer As Traffic Cop      Best
    Practices for Conditional and Boolean Logic      Best
    Practices for Loop Processing      Best Practices for
    Branching Logic
  5. Doing the Right Thing When Stuff Goes Wrong    
     Best Practices for Understanding Error Handling    
     Best Practices for Nitty-Gritty, Everyday Exception Programming
         Best Practices for Coding Defensively
  6. Break Your Addiction to SQL      SQL Is
    Bad!      General SQL Best Practices  
       Best Practices for Querying Data from PL/SQL  
       Best Practices for Changing Data from PL/SQL  
       Best Practices for Dynamic SQL
  7. Playing with Blocks (of Code)      Best
    Practices for Parameters      Best Practices for
    Procedures and Functions      Best Practices for
    Packages      Best Practices for Triggers
  8. My Code Runs Faster Than Your Code    
     Best Practices for Finding Slow Code      Best
    Practices for High-Impact Tuning      Best Practices
    for Other Tuning
    A. Best Practices Quick Reference
    B. Resources for PL/SQL Developers


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