Embedded Systems and Software Validation (Hardcover)

Embedded Systems and Software Validation (Hardcover)

作者: Abhik Roychoudhury M.S. and Ph.D. in Computer Science from the State University of New York at Stony Brook
出版社: Morgan Kaufmann
出版在: 2009-06-01
ISBN-13: 9780123742308
ISBN-10: 0123742307
裝訂格式: Hardcover
總頁數: 272 頁


Modern embedded systems require high performance, low cost and low power consumption. Such systems typically consist of a heterogeneous collection of processors, specialized memory subsystems, and partially programmable or fixed-function components. This heterogeneity, coupled with issues such as hardware/software partitioning, mapping, scheduling, etc., leads to a large number of design possibilities, making performance debugging and validation of such systems a difficult problem.Embedded systems are used to control safety critical applications such as flight control, automotive electronics and healthcare monitoring. Clearly, developing reliable software/systems for such applications is of utmost importance. This book describes a host of debugging and verification methods which can help to achieve this goal. <章節目錄>
1 Introduction 2 Model Validation 2.1 Platform vs System Behavior 2.2 Criteria for Design Model2.3 Informal Requirements: A Case Study 2.3.1 The Requirements Document2.3.2 Simplication of the Informal Requirements2.4 Common Modeling Notations2.4.1 Finite State Machines (FSM)2.4.2 Communicating FSMs2.4.3 Message Sequence Chart based Models 2.5 Remarks about Modeling Notations2.6 Model Simulations2.6.1 FSM simulations2.6.2 Simulating MSC-based System Models2.7 Model-based Testing2.8 Model Checking2.8.1 Property Specifcation2.8.2 Checking procedure2.9 The SPIN Validation Tool2.10 The SMV Validation Tool2.11 Case Study: Air Traffic Controller2.12 References2.13 Exercises3 Communication Validation3.1 Common Incompatibilities 3.1.1 Sending/receiving signals in di erent order3.1.2 Handling a diffrent signal alphabet3.1.3 Mismatch in data format3.1.4 Mismatch in data rates3.2 Converter Synthesis 3.2.1 Representing Native Protocols and Converters3.2.2 Basic ideas for Converter synthesis3.2.3 Various strategies for protocol conversion3.2.4 Avoiding no-progress cycles3.2.5 Speculative transmission to avoid deadlocks3.3 Changing a working design 3.4 References3.5 Exercises4 Performance Validation4.1 The Conventional Abstraction of Time4.2 Predicting Execution Time of a Program4.2.1 WCET Calculation 4.2.2 Modeling of Micro-architecture4.3 Interference within a Processing Element4.3.1 Interrupts from Environment4.3.2 Contention and Preemption4.3.3 Sharing a Processor Cache4.4 System level communication analysis4.5 Designing Systems with Predictable Timing4.5.1 Scratchpad Memories4.5.2 Time-triggered Communication4.6 Emerging applications4.7 References4.8 Exercises 5 Functionality Validation5.1 Dynamic or Trace-based Checking5.1.1 Dynamic Slicing5.1.2 Fault Localization5.1.3 Directed Testing Methods5.2 Formal Verifcation5.2.1 Predicate Abstraction5.2.2 Software Checking via Predicate Abstraction5.2.3 Combining Formal Verifcation with Testing5.3 References5.4 Exercises



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