Exam Ref 70-779 Analyzing and Visualizing Data with Microsoft Excel

Exam Ref 70-779 Analyzing and Visualizing Data with Microsoft Excel

作者: Chris Sorensen
出版社: MicroSoft
出版在: 2018-06-07
ISBN-13: 9781509308040
ISBN-10: 1509308040
裝訂格式: Paperback
總頁數: 270 頁


Prepare for Microsoft Exam 70-779–and help demonstrate your real-world mastery of Microsoft Excel data analysis and visualization. Designed for BI professionals, data analysts, and others who analyze business data with Excel, this Exam Ref focuses on the critical thinking and decision-making acumen needed for success at the MCSA level. 
Focus on the expertise measured by these objectives:   

Consume and transform data by using Microsoft Excel 
Model data, from building and optimizing data models through creating performance KPIs, actual and target calculations, and hierarchies 
Visualize data, including creating and managing PivotTables and PivotCharts, and interacting with PowerBI  

This Microsoft Exam Ref:   

Organizes its coverage by exam objectives 
Features strategic, what-if scenarios to challenge you 
Assumes you have a strong understanding of how to use Microsoft Excel to perform data analysis


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