Objective-C (Paperback)

Objective-C (Paperback)

作者: Jiva DeVoe
出版社: Wiley
出版在: 2011-02-15
ISBN-13: 9780470479223
ISBN-10: 0470479221
裝訂格式: Paperback
總頁數: 382 頁


A soup-to-nuts guide on the Objective-C programming language Objective-C is the language behind Cocoa and Cocoa Touch, which is the Framework of applications written for the Macintosh, iPod touch, iPhone, and iPad platforms. Part of the Developer Reference series covering the hottest Apple topics, this book covers everything from the basics of the C language to advanced aspects of Apple development. You’ll examine Objective-C and high-level subjects of frameworks, threading, networking, and much more. Covers the basics of the C language and then quickly moves onto Objective-C and more advanced topics Draws from the author’s first-hand experience garnered while developing applications for the Mac and iPhone OS platforms Discusses high-level subjects, including Objective-C’s bridges to other languages (C++, Ruby, and more), version control, test-driven development, and user interface design Featuring real-life examples drawn from the author's experience, Objective-C offers an insider look at this amazing programming language.


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