Chemistry for Changing Times, 13/e (Paperback)

Chemistry for Changing Times, 13/e (Paperback)

作者: John W. Hill Terry W. McCreary Doris K. Kolb
出版社: Pearson FT Press
出版在: 2013-01-01
ISBN-13: 9780321815095
ISBN-10: 0321815092
總頁數: 802 頁


"Have you Ever Wondered?” questions reflect real-life queries that may arise in students’ minds and are related to the chapter content. These questions appear at the beginning of each chapter, with both question and answer added in appropriate locations within the chapter.
Compelling chapter openers include two or three connected images that introduce chemistry as it applies to an activity or product relevant to students’ lives. For example, Chapter 2 shows a tablet computer and the tiny integrated circuits that make it work. A photomicrograph of silicon atoms completes the connection from the macro world to the nano world.
Self-Assessment Questions appear in each section as a concept check for students as they progress through the chapter.
Green Chemistry coverage has increased and has been integrated throughout the text:

Green Chemistry Essays include topics that have been carefully chosen to introduce students to one or more of the 12 Principles of Green Chemistry. The Principles that are applied in the essays are clearly identified and references to the chapter are included when applicable.
New end-of-chapter problems have been added to each chapter to focus specifically on the green chemistry discussed within each chapter.
Green Chemistry learning objectives have been created and are linked to end-of-chapter problems both in the text and within MasteringChemistry®.
Green Chemistry information has been added to the summary section at the end of each chapter to help integrate this content into the student’s study section.

Application Boxes with short essays focus on interesting, relevant applications of chemistry covered in that chapter.
Critical Thinking Exercises encourage students to think critically and apply information from the chapter in both concrete and abstract ways.
Conceptual Problem-Solving Examples guide students through the process of learning and understanding important chemical concepts.
Collaborative Group Projects are end-of-chapter exercises that help professors engage students in collaborative work with group assignments.
Chapter Summaries are organized by sections, with key terms highlighted, to remind students of important concepts. This edition features the addition of a green essay summary as well.
Molecular art features illustrations using a two-part visual image: microscopic and macroscopic views help students visualize what is happening on a molecular level.
Environment-focused applications include many interesting, relevant and environment topics to help students connect chemistry to the world around them.

New to this edition
NEW! MasteringChemistry® from Pearson has been designed and refined with a single purpose in mind: to help educators create that moment of understanding with their students. The Mastering platform delivers engaging, dynamic learning opportunities—focused on instructors’ course objectives and responsive to each student’s progress—that are proven to help students absorb course material and understand difficult concepts. By complementing their teaching with our engaging technology and content, instructors can be confident that their students will arrive at that moment—the moment of true understanding.

The MasteringChemistry tutorial system helps students figure out where they are going wrong when problem solving by providing answer-specific feedback and coaching. By offering feedback specific to wrong answers given, MasteringChemistry tutorials coach 92% of students to the correct answer.
The program enables professors to compare their class performance against the national average on specific questions or topics. At a glance, professors can see class distribution of grades, time spent, most difficult problems, most difficult steps and even the most common answer.

NEW! Learning Objectives appear in each section and at the beginning and end of the chapter. These objectives bring the main goals of each section to the foreground, and are linked to end-of-chapter problems in the text and to MasteringChemistry problems. These learning objectives give focus points to each section and will increase the efficiencies in teaching and learning.
NEW! Relevant, current environmental events are discussed, such as the Gulf oil spill, the Fukushima nuclear accident, and the Greenland Ice Sheet.
NEW! Discussion of Nanotechnology is added in applicable chapters.
Updated treatment of Green Chemistry essays:

All essays have been carefully reviewed and have been rewritten extensively or replaced entirely.
Each essay identifies the principles of green chemistry that are applied in that essay.
Each end-of-chapter summary now includes a section summarizing the green chemistry in the essay.
Learning objectives related to green chemistry are added to each chapter and are linked to end of chapter problems in the textbook and to MasteringChemistry problems
In each chapter, two to five end-of-chapter problems relate to the green chemistry in that chapter
Chapter references have been added to the green essays when applicable.

Enhanced focus on relevance is found throughout the narrative and in the “It DOES Matter!” boxes. The number of "It DOES Matter!" boxes has increased by approximately 10%.
"Have you Ever Wondered?” chapter opening questions reflect real-life queries that may arise in students’ minds and are related to the chapter content. Answers are included at appropriate locations within the chapter.
Approximately 10% Worked Examples are new or revised.
Approximately 10% more Answer boxes have been added, with retained boxes revised where appropriate.
Approximately 25% of the end-of-chapter problems are new or revised. Paired problems have been maintained.


Chapter 1: Chemistry
Chapter 2: Atoms
Chapter 3: Atomic Structure
Chapter 4: Chemical Bonds
Chapter 5: Chemical Accounting
Chapter 6: Gases, Liquids, Solids, and Intermolecular Forces
Chapter 7: Acids and Bases
Chapter 8: Oxidation and Reduction
Chapter 9: Organic Chemistry
Chapter 10: Polymers
Chapter 11: Nuclear Chemistry
Chapter 12: Chemistry of Earth
Chapter 13: Air
Chapter 14: Water
Chapter 15: Energy
Chapter 16: Biochemistry
Chapter 17: Food
Chapter 18: Drugs
Chapter 19: Fitness and Health
Chapter 20: Chemistry Down on the Farm and in the Garden and on the Lawn
Chapter 21: Household Chemicals
Chapter 22: Poisons



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