Digital Modeling of Material Appearance

Digital Modeling of Material Appearance

作者: Julie Dorsey Holly Rushmeier François Sillion
出版社: Morgan Kaufmann
出版在: 2007-12-01
ISBN-13: 9780122211812
ISBN-10: 0122211812
裝訂格式: Hardcover
總頁數: 336 頁



Computer graphics systems are capable of generating stunningly realistic
images of objects that have never physically existed. In order for computers
to create these accurately detailed images, digital models of appearance must
include robust data to give viewers a credible visual impression of the
depicted materials. In particular, digital models demonstrating the nuances of
how materials interact with light are essential to this capability.
This is the first comprehensive work on the digital modeling of
material appearance: it explains how models from physics and engineering are
combined with keen observation skills for use in computer graphics
rendering.Written by the foremost experts in appearance modeling and
rendering, this book is for practitioners who want a general framework for
understanding material modeling tools, and also for researchers pursuing the
development of new modeling techniques. The text is not a "how to" guide for a
particular software system. Instead, it provides a thorough discussion of
foundations and detailed coverage of key advances.Practitioners and
researchers in applications such as architecture, theater, product
development, cultural heritage documentation, visual simulation and training,
as well as traditional digital application areas such as feature film,
television, and computer games, will benefit from this much needed
resource.ABOUT THE AUTHORSJulie Dorsey and Holly Rushmeier are
professors in the Computer Science Department at Yale University and
co-directors of the Yale Computer Graphics Group. François Sillion is a senior
researcher with INRIA (Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et
Automatique), and director of its Grenoble Rhône-Alpes research center.

Table of Contents

Contents Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Background LightHuman Perception and Judgments
Luminance and Brightness Color Directional Effects Textures
and Patterns Image Synthesis Shape Incident
LightMaterialSummary and Further Reading Chapter 3 Observation and
Classification A Tour of Materials Examples of Modeling Classes of
Materials Chapter 4 Mathematical Terms Energy as a Function of Time,
Position, and DirectionPosition Direction Radiance Reflectance
and the BRDF Distribution Functions Energy Conservation and the BRDF
Reciprocity and the BRDF Chapter 5 General Material Models
Reflection and Refraction from a Smooth Surface Empirical Models
Lambertian Reflectance Phong Reflectance Ward Reflectance
Lafortune Reflectance Ashikhmin-Shirley Anisotropic Phong Reflectance
Analytical First Principles Models Micro-facet DistributionsModels
Based on Geometric Optics Blinn and Cook-Torrance Reflectance
Oren-Nayar Reflectance Models Based on Wave Optics Simulation from
First Principles Spectral Effects Other Effects Polarization
Phosphorescence and Fluorescence Scattering in VolumesMeasured
Properties Solid Volumetric Media: Subsurface Scattering Spatial
Variations Chapter 6 Specialized Material Models Natural Organic
Materials Humans and Other Mammals Birds, Reptiles, Amphibians, Fish
and Insects Plants Natural: InorganicPorous Materials Water in
Other Materials: Wet/Dry Appearance Snow Materials in Manufactured
Goods Fabrics Paints, Coatings and Artistic MediaGems Chapter
7 Measurement Traditional Measurement Gonio reflectometers
Nephelometers Industrial Measurement Devices Image-Based BRDF
Measurements of Sample Materials Cameras as SensorsMeasuring Prepared
Homogeneous Material Samples Measurement of Existing ObjectsLarge
Objects and Buildings Simultaneous Shape and Reflectance Capture Small
Scale Geometric Structures Normal and Bump Maps Bidirectional Texture
Functions Alternative RepresentationsSubsurface Scattering and
Volumetric MediaAdditional Dimensions Chapter 8 Aging and Weathering
Weathering Taxonomy Chemical Mechanical BiologicalCombined
Processes Simulation of Weathering EffectsPatination Impacts
Scratches Cracking Flow and Deposition Dust Accumulation
Weathering Systems Replication of Aged Appearance Manual
Application Accessibility Shading/Ambient Occlusion Capture, Analysis,
and Transfer of Effects Chapter 9 Specifying and encoding appearance
descriptions Practical techniques for appearance specification Visual
interfaces for analytic models3DPainting Textual and programming
interfaces Composition from basic building blocks Encoding local
appearance attributes Parameterized models Tabular dataBasis
functions Association of material and shape Discussion of surface
parameterization Representation of light and view-dependence Chapter
10 Rendering appearance An overview of image creation techniques
Object projection techniques Image sampling techniquesLocal and
global calculationsSimulating global illumination Monte Carlo
evaluation of the rendering equation Caching mechanisms Finite
elements methods Rendering local appearanceTexture mapping and detail
management BRDF and BTF sampling Subsurface scattering and
participating media Color and tone Spectral rendering Dynamic
range and tone mapping Precomputed rendering


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