Build Windows 8 Apps with Microsoft Visual C++ Step by Step (Paperback)

Build Windows 8 Apps with Microsoft Visual C++ Step by Step (Paperback)

作者: Luca Regnicoli Paolo Pialorsi Roberto Brunetti
出版社: MicroSoft
出版在: 2013-05-05
ISBN-13: 9780735667235
ISBN-10: 0735667233
裝訂格式: Paperback
總頁數: 374 頁


Your hands-on, step-by-step guide to building Windows 8 apps with Microsoft® Visual C++®Teach yourself how to build Windows 8 applications using the Visual C++ language—one step at a time. Ideal for those with intermediate to advanced C++ development skills, this tutorial provides practical, learn-by-doing exercises for creating apps that can adapt to different screen sizes—including desktop and laptop computers, tablets, and slates.Discover how to:Build apps using Windows 8 design guidelines Explore the Windows 8 application architecture Apply tools and libraries from Microsoft® Visual Studio® and the Windows 8 SDK Use XAML to create touch-optimized user interfaces Create apps that make use of device sensors Manage the Windows 8 application lifecycle Prepare your app for the Windows Store


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