Jump Start Responsive Web Design: Modern Dynamic Responsive Solutions

Jump Start Responsive Web Design: Modern Dynamic Responsive Solutions

作者: Chris Ward
出版社: Sitepoint
出版在: 2017-05-04
ISBN-13: 9780994347091
ISBN-10: 099434709X
裝訂格式: Paperback
總頁數: 166 頁


It used to be so simple. You made a website or application to work on a 15" monitor and, incompatibilities between browsers aside, you were done. Then along came mobile phones with web browsers and they ruined all our easy lives. Worse than that, people loved browsing the web on them! Fortunately, by using responsive web design techniques, you can use one set of HTML, CSS and JavaScript, and display appropriate elements in an appropriate way to suit each platform. In Jump Start Responsive Web Design, you'l learn responsive techniques to make your designs look magnificent on any device, future-proof them, and reduce development time and budget. RWD helps you deal with the very real problem of not knowing where and how your application will be used. Completely overhauled for its second edition, this book covers: What does responsive really mean?Semantic page structureGrid systemsResponsive Images and mediaMedia queriesResponsive content


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