Python For Bioinformatics (Paperback)

Python For Bioinformatics (Paperback)

作者: Jason Kinser
出版社: Jones and Bartlett
出版在: 2008-06-16
ISBN-13: 9780763751869
ISBN-10: 0763751863
裝訂格式: Paperback
總頁數: 417 頁


Bioinformatics is a growing field that attracts researchers from many different backgrounds who are unfamiliar with the algorithms commonly used in the field. Python for Bioinformatics provides a clear introduction to the Python programming language and instructs beginners on the development of simple programming exercises . Ideal for those with some knowledge of computer programming languages, this book emphasizes Python syntax and methodologies. The text is divided into three complete sections; the first provides an explanation of general Python programming, the second includes a detailed discussion of the Python tools typically used in bioinformatics including clustering, associative memories, and mathematical analysis techniques, and the third section demonstrates how these tools are implemented through numerous applications.


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