Deep Learning Neural Networks: Design and Case Studies (Paperback)(快遞進口)

Deep Learning Neural Networks: Design and Case Studies (Paperback)(快遞進口)

作者: Daniel Graupe
出版社: World Scientific Pub
出版在: 2016-08-02
ISBN-13: 9789813146457
ISBN-10: 9813146451
裝訂格式: Paperback
總頁數: 280 頁


Deep Learning Neural Networks is the fastest growing field in machine learning. It serves as a powerful computational tool for solving prediction, decision, diagnosis, detection and decision problems based on a well-defined computational architecture. It has been successfully applied to a broad field of applications ranging from computer security, speech recognition, image and video recognition to industrial fault detection, medical diagnostics and finance. This comprehensive textbook is the first in the new emerging field. Numerous case studies are succinctly demonstrated in the text. It is intended for use as a one-semester graduate-level university text and as a textbook for research and development establishments in industry, medicine and financial research. Readership: Researchers, academics, professionals, graduate and undergraduate students in machine learning, artificial intelligence, neural networks/networking, software engineering, and in their applications in medicine, security engineering and financial engineering.


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