3D Game Textures: Create Professional Game Art Using Photoshop

3D Game Textures: Create Professional Game Art Using Photoshop

作者: Luke Ahearn
出版社: A K Peters
出版在: 2016-06-24
ISBN-13: 9781138920064
ISBN-10: 1138920061
裝訂格式: Paperback
總頁數: 412 頁


The new edition of 3D Game Textures: Create Professional Game Art Using Photoshop features the most up-to-date techniques that allow you to create your own unique textures, shaders, and materials. Revised to take new technology into account, it is an ideal hands-on resource for creating online worlds, simulations, web-based applications, and architectural visualization projects. Continuing the practical, no-nonsense approach of its predecessors, the fourth edition shows you how to advance your digital art skills with textures and shaders by exploring their interactions in single objects or entire scenes. It contains expanded coverage of shader nodes, and the companion website―www.lukeahearn.com/textures―has been updated to include video tutorials as well as updated sample textures, shaders, materials, actions, brushes, and all of the art from the book. Written with the beginner and the professional in mind, this book provides an excellent stepping stone for artists of any level. It shows aspiring artists how to create their own game textures. It also shows technically oriented professionals who struggle with artistic aspects of graphic design how to create textures in a way that they can relate to, while teaching technically challenged artists how to create their art in a fashion that allows them to set up their work with an eye toward the important technical aspects of game development.


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