Thoughtful Machine Learning with Python: A Test-Driven Approach

Thoughtful Machine Learning with Python: A Test-Driven Approach

作者: Matthew Kirk
出版社: O'Reilly
出版在: 2017-01-27
ISBN-13: 9781491924136
ISBN-10: 1491924136
裝訂格式: Paperback
總頁數: 220 頁


Gain the confidence you need to apply machine learning in your daily work. With this practical guide, author Matthew Kirk shows you how to integrate and test machine learning algorithms in your code, without the academic subtext.Featuring graphs and highlighted code examples throughout, the book features tests with Python’s Numpy, Pandas, Scikit-Learn, and SciPy data science libraries. If you’re a software engineer or business analyst interested in data science, this book will help you:Reference real-world examples to test each algorithm through engaging, hands-on exercisesApply test-driven development (TDD) to write and run tests before you start codingExplore techniques for improving your machine-learning models with data extraction and feature developmentWatch out for the risks of machine learning, such as underfitting or overfitting dataWork with K-Nearest Neighbors, neural networks, clustering, and other algorithms


必學!Python 資料科學‧機器學習最強套件 - NumPy、Pandas、Matplotlib、OpenCV、scikit-learn、tf.Keras

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