Supercharged JavaScript Graphics: with HTML5 canvas, jQuery, and More (Paperback)

Supercharged JavaScript Graphics: with HTML5 canvas, jQuery, and More (Paperback)

作者: Raffaele Cecco
出版社: O'Reilly
出版在: 2011-08-16
ISBN-13: 9781449393632
ISBN-10: 1449393632
裝訂格式: Paperback
總頁數: 282 頁


With HTML5 and improved web browser support, JavaScript has become the tool of choice for creating high-performance web graphics. This faced-paced book shows you how to use JavaScript, jQuery, DHTML, and HTML5's Canvas element to create rich web applications for computers and mobile devices. By following real-world examples, experienced web developers learn fun and useful approaches to arcade games, DHTML effects, business dashboards, and other applications. This book serves complex subjects in easily digestible pieces, and each topic acts as a foundation for the next.Tackle JavaScript optimization and understand how it impacts performance Create fast-moving graphics by combining old-school DHTML with jQuery Learn advanced UI techniques using the jQuery UI and Ext JS libraries Build games with collision detection, object handling, and JavaScript scrolling techniques Master HTML5 Canvas basics for drawings, fills, bitmaps, animation, and more Create applications for the small screen with jQuery Mobile and PhoneGap Use Google’s data visualization tools to create interactive dashboards


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