Computer Manual in MATLAB to Accompany Pattern Classification, 2/e (Paperback)
A complete MATLAB toolbox to accompany Pattern Classification
Second Edition
Pattern classification is a vital and growing field with applications in such areas as speech recognition, handwriting recognition, computer vision, image analysis, data mining, information retrieval, machine learning and neural networks. Expanding on the MATLAB classification toolbox developed by Elad Yom-Tov at the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, and tested by hundreds of students and practioners worldwide, Computer Manual in MATLAB to accompany Pattern Classification, Second Edition, serves as both a companion to Pattern Classification, Second Edition, and as a professional software toolbox for researchers in pattern classification and signal processing.
Beginning with an introduction to programming in MATLAB suitable for readers with no such programming experience, this Manual and its accompanying software:
Implement all the algorithms described in Pattern Classification, Second Edition
Implement important recent algorithms not found in the text
Use the same terminology as the text
Include representative data sets, including those from the computer exercises in the text
Include step-by-step worked examples, including some of the examples and figures in the text
Provide self-annotated code so the user can easily navigate, understand, and modify the code
Offer priviledged access to an associated Wiley ftp site for downloading all the software, corrections and additions. To access this website, please visit ftp://ftp.wiley.com/public/sci_tech_med/pattern_classification/
(Note: Visitors will require a password from the Manual to access.)
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1. Introduction to MATLAB.
Basic Navigation and Interaction.
Scalars, Variables and Basic Arithmetic.
Relational and Logical Operators.
Lists, Vectors and Matrices.
Matrix Multiplication.
Vector and Matrix Norms.
Determinants, Inverses and Pseudoinverses.
Matrix Powers and Exponentials.
Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors.
Data Analysis.
Clearing Variables and Functions.
Data Types.
Chapter 2. Programming in MATLAB.
Flow Control.
User Input.
Data, and File Input and Output.
Operations on Strings.
Chapter 3. Classification Toolbox.
Loading the Toolbox and Starting MATLAB.
Graphical User Interface.
Introductory Examples.
GUI Controls.
Creating Your Own Data Files.
Classifying Using the Text-based Interface.
Classifier Comparisons.
How to Add New Algorithms.
Adding a New Feature Selection Algorithm.
List of Functions.
Appendix: Program Descriptions.