Lego Space Projects: 52 Creative Models
Build 52 galaxy-hopping LEGO spacecraft that can fit in the palm of your hand! Complete with step-by-step instructions and stunning full-color photography. LEGO Space Projects rocket right past the standard science-fiction tropes, taking you to the edge of galactic design. The models in this book are built for enlightened celestial ambitions, like botanical research, comet mining, solar sailing, and experimental drive testing. Get inspired by real-life spacecraft as you transform a handful of bricks into NASA-grade propulsion systems, heat shields, and solar collectors. Or let your imagination soar as you snap together an explorer mecha with maneuvering thrusters and hypersonic Cloud Skimmer. LEGO fans of all skills and ages will have a blast building dozens of cleverly styled models, from sleek to comical, from retro to futuristic, from space stations to flying saucers--and beyond. Projects range from 8 bricks to 100, and are brought to life by stunning full-color photography, witty descriptions, and detailed technical specs. Build them using the book's clear, step-by-step instructions, or use the techniques as a launchpad for your own designs!
Jeff Friesen is an award-winning LEGO expert and photographer whose work has been featured on the Brothers Brick website and in Brick Journal and Blocks magazines. In addition to LEGO Space Projects, he is the author of LEGO Micro Cities and The LEGO Castle Book (both No Starch Press). Much of Friesen's stunning LEGO photography can be found on his Instagram account, @jeff_works, and his LEGO builds have been featured on LEGO's official social media channels.