Programming the Intel Edison: Getting Started with Processing and Python (Paperback)

Programming the Intel Edison: Getting Started with Processing and Python (Paperback)

作者: Donald Norris
出版社: McGraw-Hill Education
出版在: 2015-10-05
ISBN-13: 9781259588334
ISBN-10: 1259588335
裝訂格式: Paperback
總頁數: 240 頁


Learn To Easily Create Robotic, IoT, and Wearable Electronic Gadgets!Get up-and-running building cutting-edge Edison devices with help from this DIY guide. Programming the Intel Edison: Getting Started with Processing and Python lays out the Edison’s powerful features and teaches the basics of Internet-enabled embedded programming. Discover how to set up components, connect your PC or Mac, build Python applications, and use USB, WiFi, and Bluetooth connections. Start-to-finish example projects include a motor controller, home temperature system, robotic car, and wearable hospital alert sensor.Explore the capabilities and features of the EdisonConnect Sparkfun, Break-out, and Arduino boardsProgram your Edison through the Arduino IDESet up USB, GPIO, WiFi, and Bluetooth connections


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