Power Laws in the Information Production Process: Lotkaian Informetrics (Hardcover)
This book describes informetric results from the point of view of Lotkaian
size-frequency functions, i.e. functions that are decreasing power laws.
Explanations and examples of this model are given showing that it is the most
important regularity amongst other possible models. This theory is then
developed in the framework of IPPs (Information Production Processes) hereby
also indicating its relation with e.g. the law of Zipf.
Applications are given in the following fields: three-dimensional
informetrics (positive reinforcement and Type/Token-Taken informetrics),
concentration theory (including the description of Lorenz curves and
concentration measures in Lotkaian informetrics), fractal complexity theory
(Lotkaian informetrics as self-similar fractals), Lotkaian informetrics in
which items can have multiple sources (where fractional size-frequency
functions are constructed), the theory of first-citation distributions and the
N-fold Cartesian product of IPPs (describing frequency functions for N-grams
and N-word phrases). In the Appendix, methods are given to determine the
parameters in the law of Lotka, based on a set of discrete data.
The book explains numerous informetric regularities, only based on a
decreasing power law as size-frequency function, i.e. Lotka's law. It revives
the historical formulation of Alfred Lotka of 1926 and shows the power of this
power law, both in classical aspects of informetrics (libraries,
bibliographies) as well as in "new" applications such as social networks
(citation or collaboration networks and the Internet).
Table of
Introduction. Chapter I. Lotkaian Informetrics: An Introduction.
Informetrics. What is Lotkaian informetrics? Why Lotkaian informetrics?
Practical Examples of Lotkaian Informetrics. Chapetr II. Basic Theory of
Lotkaian Informetrics. General Informetrics Theory. Theory of Lotkaian
Informetrics. Extension of the General Informetrics Theory: The Dual
Size-Frequency Function H. The Place of the Law of Zipf in Lotkaian
Informetrics. Chapter III. Three-dimensional Lotkaian Informetrics.
Linear Three-Dimensional Lotkaian Informetrics. Chapter IV. Lotkaian
Concentration Theory. Introduction. Discrete Concentration Theory.
Continuous Concentration Theory. Concentration Theory of Linear
Three-Dimensional Informetrics. Chapter V. Lotkaian Fractal Complexity
Theory. Introduction. Elements of Fractal Theory. Interpretation of
Lotkaian IPPs as Self-Similar Fractals. Chapter VI. Lotkaian Informetrics
of Systems in which Items can have Multiple Sources. Introduction.
Crediting Systems and Counting Procedures for Sources and "Super Sources" in
IPPs Where Items Can Have Multiple Sources. Construction of Fractional
Size-Frequency Functions Based on Two Dual Lotka laws. Chapter VII. Further
Applications in Lotkaian Informetrics. Introduction. Explaining
"Regularities". Probabilistic Explanation of the Relationship Between Citation
Age and Journal Productivity. Chapter VII. General and Lotkaian Theory of the
Distribution of Author Ranks in Multi-Authored Papers. The First-Citation
Distribution in Lotkaian Informetrics. Zipfian Theory of N-grams and of N-word
Phrases: the Cartesian Product of IPPs. Appendix. Appendix I. Appendix II.
Appendix III Statistical Determination of the Parameters in the Law of Lotka.
Bibliography. Subject Index.