Make: Technology on Your Time Volume 34: Robotics (Paperback)

Make: Technology on Your Time Volume 34: Robotics (Paperback)

作者: Mark Frauenfelder Ed.
出版社: O'Reilly
出版在: 2013-05-07
ISBN-13: 9781449327668
ISBN-10: 1449327664
裝訂格式: Paperback
總頁數: 160 頁


Make Volume 34 takes to the sky, land, and the sea with projects and articles about underwater robots, incredible kites, and easy-to-make robots that are packed with personality. You'll also find features on an ancient and unusual maker material, and an excerpt from Encyclopedia of Electronic Components, a follow-up title to Charles Platt's best-selling book Make: Electronics. You'll get great projects like CoffeeBots (Arduino-controlled coffee can robots), GlueMotor (control your own robots with an iPhone app), AudioBooks (amplified speakers that look like hardbound books), and KAPstan (a kite winch that makes winding kite line a breeze).


Make: Arduino 機器人及小裝置專題製作 (Make: Arduino Bots and Gadgets: Six Embedded Projects with Open Source Hardware and Software)

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