Linear Algebra with Applications, 7/e (IE-Paperback)
Students of linear algebra learn by studying examples and solving problems ' accordingly, the book contains a variety of exercises and solved examples which are used to motivate and illustrate concepts and theorems, carrying the student from concrete to abstract. Chapters 1-4 contain a one-semester course for beginners, and then chapters 5-9 contain a second semester course. Note that the preface contains an updated and helpful guide to assist instructors with different chapter orders depending on their approach to the course
Chapter 1: Systems of Linear Equations
Chapter 2: Matrix Algebra
Chapter 3: Determinants and Diagonalization
Chapter 4: Vector Geometry
Chapter 5: The Vector Space Rn
Chapter 6: Vector Spaces
Chapter 7: Linear Transformations
Chapter 8: Orthogonality
Chapter 9: Change of Basis
Chapter 10: Inner Product Spaces
Chapter 11: Canonical Forms