Minimal Perl: For UNIX and Linux People

Minimal Perl: For UNIX and Linux People

作者: Tim Maher
出版社: Manning
出版在: 2006-10-01
ISBN-13: 9781932394504
ISBN-10: 1932394508
裝訂格式: Paperback
總頁數: 464 頁



"If you are a Unix/Linux user and wish to learn
Perl, I recommend this book." -- George Wooley, and
"This book is not perl tapas. It is a survival
tool." -- William M. Julien, HPC Unix Performance Analyst, Fortune 100
"No-nonsense and practical, yet with wit and
charm. A joy to read." -- Dan Sanderson, Software Developer
"Shows style, not just facts, valuable." --
Brian Downs, former Training Director, Lucent Technologies
"Brilliant, never tedious, highly recommended!"
-- Jon Allen, Maintainer of
"You could have chosen no better primer than this
book." -- Damian Conway, from the Foreword
Perl is a complex language that can be difficult
to master. Perl advocates boast that "There's More Than One Way To Do It", but
do you really want to learn several ways of saying the same thing to a
To make Perl more accessible, Dr. Tim Maher has
over the years designed and taught an essential subset of the language that is
smaller, yet practical and powerful. With this engaging book you can now
benefit from "Minimal Perl", even if all you know about Unix is
You will learn how to write simple Perl commands
(many just one-liners) that go far beyond the limitations of Unix utilities,
and those of Linux, MacOS/X, etc. And you雍l acquire the more advanced Perl
skills used in scripts by capitalizing on your knowledge of related Shell
resources. Sprinkled throughout are many Unix-specific Perl tips.
This book is especially suitable for system
administrators, webmasters, and software developers.
Table of

foreword preface acknowledgments
about this book about the cover illustration list of tables

Minimal Perl: for UNIX and Linux Users

1 Introducing Minimal Perl
A visit to Perlistan

Sometimes you need a professional guide

Perl can be simple
About Minimal Perl

What Minimal Perl isn't, What Minimal Perl
Laziness is a virtue
A minimal dose of syntax

Terminating statements with semicolons

Writing one-line programs

Balancing simplicity and readability,
Implementing simple filters
2 Perl essentials
Perl's invocation options

One-line programming: -e, Enabling warnings:
-w, Processing input: -n, Processing input with automatic printing: -p,
Processing line-endings: -l, Printing without newlines: printf, Changing
the input record separator: -0digits
Using variables

Using special variables, Using the data
variable: ,Usingtherecordnumbervariable:., Employing user-defined
Loading modules -M
Writing simple scripts

Quoting techniques, True and False values,
Handling switches: -s, Using warn and die, Using logical and, logical or,
Programming with BEGINand END blocks, Loading modules with use

Additional special variables

Employing I/O variables, Exploiting
formatting variables
Standard option clusters

Using aliases for common types of Perl
Constructing programs

Constructing an output-only one-liner,
Constructing an input/output script

Directions for further study
3 Perl as a (better) grep command
A brief history of grep
Shortcomings of grep

Uncertain support for metacharacters, Lack
of string escapes for control characters, Comparing capabilities of
greppers and Perl
Working with the matching operator

The one-line Perl grepper
Understanding Perl's regex notation
Perl as a better fgrep
Displaying the match only, using $&

Displaying unmatched records (like grep -v),
Validating data, Minimizing typing with shortcut metacharacters

Displaying filenames only (like grep -l)

Using matching modifiers

Ignoring case (like grep -i)
Perl as a better egrep

Working with cascading filters

Matching in context

Paragraph mode, File mode
Spanning lines with regexes

Matching across lines, Using lwp-request,
Filtering lwp-request output
Additional examples

Log-file analysis, A scripted grepper, Fuzzy
matching, Web scraping

Directions for further study
4 Perl as a (better) sed command
A brief history of sed
Shortcomings of sed
Performing substitutions

Performing line-specific substitutions: sed,
Performing line-specific substitutions: Perl, Performing record-specific
substitutions: Perl, Using backreferences and numbered variables in
Printing lines by number

Printing lines by number: sed, Printing
lines by number: Perl, Printing records by number: Perl
Modifying templates
Converting special characters
Editing files

Editing with commands, Editing with scripts,
Safeguarding in-place editing
Converting to lowercase or uppercase

Quieting spam
Substitutions with computed replacements

Converting miles to kilometers,
Substitutions using function results
The sed to Perl translator

Directions for further study
5 Perl as a (better) awk command
A brief history of AWK
Comparing basic features of awk and Perl

Pattern-matching capabilities, Special
variables, Perl's variable interpolation, Other advantages of Perl over
AWK, Summary of differences in basic features
Processing fields

Accessing fields, Printing fields,
Differences in syntax for print, Using custom field separators in Perl

Programming with Patterns and Actions

Combining pattern matching with field
processing, Extracting data from tables, Accessing cell data using array
Matching ranges of records

Operators for single- and multi-record
ranges, Matching a range of dates, Matching multiple ranges

Using relational and arithmetic operators

Relational operators, Arithmetic operators

Using built-in functions

One-liners that use functions, The legend of
nexpr, How the nexpr* programs work
Additional examples

Computing compound interest:
compound_interest, Conditionally pluralizing nouns: compound_interest2,
Analyzing log files: scan4oops
Using the AWK-to-Perl translator: a2p

Tips on using a2p

Directions for further study
6 Perl as a (better) find command
Introducing hybrid find / perl programs

File testing capabilities of find vs. Perl

Augmenting find with Perl
Finding files

Finding files by name matching, Finding
files by pathname matching
Processing filename arguments

Defending against grep's messes, Recursive
grepping, Perl as a generalized argument pre-processor
Using find | xargs vs. Perl alternatives

Using Perl for reliable timestamp sorting,
Dealing with multi-word filenames
find as an argument pre-processor for Perl

A Unix-like, OS-portable find command

Making the most of find2perl, Helping
non-Unix friends with find2perl

Directions for further study

Part 2 Minimal Perl: for UNIX and Linux Shell

7 Built-in functions
Understanding and managing evaluation context

Determinants and effects of evaluation
context, Making use of evaluation context
Programming with functions that generate or
process scalars

Using split, Using localtime, Using stat,
Using chomp, Using rand
Programming with functions that process lists

Comparing Unix pipelines and Perl functions
, Using sort, Using grep, Using join, Using map
Globbing for filenames

Tips on globbing
Managing files with functions

Handling multi-valued return codes

Parenthesizing function arguments

Controlling argument-gobbling functions


Directions for further study
8 Scripting techniques
Exploiting script-oriented functions

Defining defined, Exiting with exit,
Shifting with shift
Pre-processing arguments

Accommodating non-filename arguments with
implicit loops, Filtering arguments, Generating arguments
Executing code conditionally with if/else

Employing if/else vs. and/or, Mixing
branching techniques: The cd_report script, Tips on using if/else

Wrangling strings with concatenation and
repetition operators

Enhancing the most_recent_file script, Using
concatenation and repetition operators together, Tips on using the
concatenation operator
Interpolating command output into source code

Using the tput command, Grepping
recursively: The rgrep script, Tips on using command interpolation

Executing OS commands using system

Generating reports, Tips on using system

Evaluating code using eval

Using a Perl shell: The psh script,
Appreciating a multi-faceted Perl grepper: The preg script

Directions for further study
9 List variables
Using array variables

Initializing arrays with piecemeal
assignments and push, Understanding advanced array indexing, Extracting
fields in a friendlier fashion, Telling fortunes: The fcookie script, Tips
on using arrays
Using hash variables

Initializing hashes, Understanding advanced
hash indexing, Understanding the built-in %ENV hash, Printing hashes,
Using %ENV in place of switches, Obtaining uniqueness with hashes,
Employing a hash as a simple database: The user_lookup script, Counting
word frequencies in web pages: The count_words script
Comparing list generators in the Shell and

Filename generation/globbing, Command
substitution/interpolation, Variable substitution/interpolation


Directions for further study
10 Looping facilities
Looping facilities in the Shell and Perl

Looping with while / until

Totaling numeric arguments, Reducing the
size of an image, Printing key/value pairs from a hash using each,
Understanding the implicit loop
Looping with do while / until

Prompting for input
Looping with foreach

Unlinking files: the rm_files script,
Reading a line at a time, Printing a hash, Demystifying acronyms: The
expand_acronyms script, Reducing image sizes: The compress_image2 script

Looping with for

Exploiting for's support for indexing: the
raffle script
Using loop-control directives

Nesting loops within loops, Enabling
loop-control directives in bottom-tested loops, Prompting for input,
Enhancing loops with continue blocks: the confirmation script

The CPAN's select loop for Perl

Avoiding the re-invention of the
"choose-from-a-menu" wheel, Monitoring user activity: the show_user
script, Browsing man pages: the perlman script

Directions for further study
11 Subroutines and variable scoping
Compartmentalizing code with subroutines

Defining and using subroutines,
Understanding use strict
Common problems with variables

Clobbering variables: The phone_home script,
Masking variables: The 4letter_word script, Tips on avoiding problems with
Controlling variable scoping

Declaring variables with my , Declaring
variables with our , Declaring variables with local, Introducing the
Variable Scoping Guidelines
Variable Scoping Guidelines for complex

Enable use strict, Declare user-defined
variables and define their scopes, Pass data to subroutines using
arguments, Localize temporary changes to built-in variables with local,
Employ user-defined loop variables ,Applying the Guidelines: the
phone_home2 script
Reusing a subroutine

Directions for further study
12 Modules and the CPAN
Creating modules

Using the Simple Module Template, Creating a
module:, Testing a new module
Managing modules

Identifying the modules that you want,
Determining whether you have a certain module, Installing modules from the
Using modules

Business::UPS-the ups_shipping_price script,
LWP::Simple-the check_links script, Shell::POSIX::Select-the menu_ls
script, File::Find-the check_symlinks script, CGI-the survey.cgi script,
Tips on using Object-Oriented modules

Directions for further study
epilogue 426 appendix A:
Perl special variables cheatsheet 427 appendix B: Guidelines for
parenthesizing code 430 glossary 432 index 443


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