Multimedia Web Design: Using Languages to Build Dynamic Web Pages (Paperback)

Multimedia Web Design: Using Languages to Build Dynamic Web Pages (Paperback)

作者: Theodor Richardson Charles Thies
出版社: Mercury Learning
出版在: 2013-05-12
ISBN-13: 9781936420384
ISBN-10: 1936420384
裝訂格式: Paperback
總頁數: 350 頁


This book / DVD package introduces the necessary steps and stages of planning a modern multimedia Web site. It covers the current languages e.g., HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, PERL, PHP, jQuery, and mySQL, that are needed to construct dynamic content on the Web and milestones for getting it into the hands of your clients. A DVD with video tutorials and projects from the book accompanies the text. The book includes both the design and development aspects for novices as well as a complete plan to get you started with the core technologies and techniques for professional Web design on a freelance or organizational basis. Features: + Uses various languages e.g., HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, PERL, PHP, jQuery, and mySQL to maximize efficiency of modern and dynamic Web pages + Companion DVD includes video tutorials, project files, code, and figures from the text + Provides a complete guide for developers and designers to see both front-end and back-end design elements + Uses design principles and best practices from an experienced freelance Web designer and instructor + Includes language examples for self-study and challenging activities for expanding design and development + Instructor s resources available upon adoption Brief Table of Contents: 1.Web Design Basics. 2.Site Planning and Production. 3.Introduction to HTML. 4.CSS3. 5.HTML5. 6.JavaScript and jQuery. 7.PHP and Perl. 8.mySQL. Appendix.


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