Data Science Programming All-In-One for Dummies
Most of the books on the market are written for the science professional and often limit their audience to a reader specializing in data science, AI, or computer science. These books focus on people who already have the coding knowledge to write applications, the math background to work with algorithms, and the data management background to interact with data sources successfully. This book addresses their needs by providing simple techniques to access data, manipulate it using clearly described algorithms, and interacting with it using code written in one of three languages. The result is a book that has a broad audience of people who need this resource. Data science is always part of something bigger. Most books look at data science as the means to an end, but the real world doesn't work this way. In the real world, a person uses data science to find essential data that is then used to do something else. Many applications require the use of data science, such as security systems, AI, analysis for research, medicine, and even seemingly odd applications like oceanography. This is the only book on the market that provides coverage in the three most popular data science languages: Python, R, and Java. Most books support only one language, with Python being the most popular (followed closely by R). By supporting multiple languages, this book has an advantage in being able to use the easiest language to write any particular example and to be able to compare the languages as the book progresses. The reader can use this information to easily discern which languages work better for specific data science needs.
John Mueller has produced 114 books and more than 600 articles on topics ranging from functional programming techniques to working with Amazon Web Services (AWS). Luca Massaron, a Google Developer Expert (GDE), interprets big data and transforms it into smart data through simple and effective data mining and machine learning techniques.