Oracle Application Express: Build Powerful Data-Centric Web Apps with APEX

Oracle Application Express: Build Powerful Data-Centric Web Apps with APEX

作者: Arie Geller Brian Spendolini
出版社: McGraw-Hill Education
出版在: 2017-05-25
ISBN-13: 9780071843041
ISBN-10: 0071843043
裝訂格式: Paperback
總頁數: 496 頁


Develop Robust Modern Web Applications with Oracle Application Express. Covers APEX 5.1.Easily create data-reliant web applications that are reliable, scalable, dynamic, responsive, and secure using the detailed information contained in this Oracle Press guide. Oracle Application Express (APEX): Build Powerful Data-Centric Web Apps with APEX features step-by-step application development techniques, real-world coding examples, and best practices. You will find out how to work with the App Builder and Page Designer, use APEX themes (responsive and mobile included), templates and wizards, and design and deploy custom web apps. New and updated features in APEX 5.0/5.1 are thoroughly covered and explained.• Understand APEX concepts and programming fundamentals• Plan and control the development cycle, using HLD techniques• Use APEX themes and templates, including Universal Theme• Use APEX wizards to rapidly build forms and reports on database tables• Build modern, dynamic, and interactive user interface using the Page Designer• Increase user experience using Dynamic Actions (Ajax included)• Build and utilize the new APEX 5.1 Interactive Grid• Implement App Logic with APEX computations, validations, and processes• Use (automatic) built-in and manual DML to manipulate your data• Handle security at browser, application, and database levels• Successfully deploy the developed APEX apps


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