Python 資訊視覺化編程實戰 (Python Data Visualization Cookbook)

Python 資訊視覺化編程實戰 (Python Data Visualization Cookbook)

作者: 米洛萬諾維奇 (Igor Milovanovic)
出版社: 人民郵電
出版在: 2015-05-01
ISBN-13: 9787115384393
ISBN-10: 7115384398
裝訂格式: 平裝
總頁數: 242 頁


Language:Chinese.Paperback. Pub Date: 2015-5-1 Pages: 242 Publisher: People Post Press book is a practical guide uses the Python programming data visualization. shows how to use Python's most popular library. created with more than 60 kinds of methods beautiful data visualizations. The book is divided into 8 chapters. introduced the preparation work environment. understand the data. draw and customized charts. graphs and learn more customized. create 3D visualization charts. charting with images and maps. with the correct understanding of the data and the chart more matplotlib knowledge. This book suitable for those who have some basic Python programming developers can help the reader understand the data from scratch. data format. data visualization. and learn to use Python visual data. Contents: Chapter 1 Prepare the working environment 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Installation mat...


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