Learning Scrapy (Paperback)
Key Features
Extract data from any source to perform real time analytics.
Full of techniques and examples to help you crawl websites and extract data within hours.
A hands-on guide to web scraping and crawling with real-life problems and solutions
Book Description
This book covers the long awaited Scrapy v 1.0 that empowers you to extract useful data from virtually any source with very little effort. It starts off by explaining the fundamentals of Scrapy framework, followed by a thorough description of how to extract data from any source, clean it up, shape it as per your requirement using Python and 3rd party APIs. Next you will be familiarised with the process of storing the scrapped data in databases as well as search engines and performing real time analytics on them with Spark Streaming. By the end of this book, you will perfect the art of scarping data for your applications with ease
What you will learn
Understand HTML pages and write XPath to extract the data you need
Write Scrapy spiders with simple Python and do web crawls
Push your data into any database, search engine or analytics system
Configure your spider to download files, images and use proxies
Create efficient pipelines that shape data in precisely the form you want
Use Twisted Asynchronous API to process hundreds of items concurrently
Make your crawler super-fast by learning how to tune Scrapy's performance
Perform large scale distributed crawls with scrapyd and scrapinghub
About the Author
Dimitrios Kouzis-Loukas has over fifteen years experience as a topnotch software developer. He uses his acquired knowledge and expertise to teach a wide range of audiences how to write great software, as well.
He studied and mastered several disciplines, including mathematics, physics, and microelectronics. His thorough understanding of these subjects helped him raise his standards beyond the scope of "pragmatic solutions." He knows that true solutions should be as certain as the laws of physics, as robust as ECC memories, and as universal as mathematics.
Dimitrios now develops distributed, low-latency, highly-availability systems using the latest datacenter technologies. He is language agnostic, yet has a slight preference for Python, C++, and Java. A firm believer in open source software and hardware, he hopes that his contributions will benefit individual communities as well as all of humanity.
Table of Contents
Introducing Scrapy
Understanding HTML and XPath
Basic Crawling
From Scrapy to a Mobile App
Quick Spider Recipes
Deploying to Scrapinghub
Configuration and Management
Programming Scrapy
Pipeline Recipes
Understanding Scrapy's Performance
Distributed Crawling with Scrapyd and Real-Time Analytics
Installing and troubleshooting prerequisite software