AI for Games, Third Edition

AI for Games, Third Edition

作者: Millington Ian
出版社: CRC
出版在: 2020-12-20
ISBN-13: 9780367670566
ISBN-10: 0367670569
裝訂格式: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
總頁數: 1010 頁


AI is an integral part of every video game. This book helps professionals keep up with the constantly evolving technological advances in the fast growing game industry and equips students with up-to-date information they need to jumpstart their careers. This revised and updated Third Edition includes new techniques, algorithms, data structures and representations needed to create powerful AI in games.
Key Features        

A comprehensive professional tutorial and reference to implement true AI in games


Includes new exercises so readers can test their comprehension and understanding of the concepts and practices presented


Revised and updated to cover new techniques and advances in AI


Walks the reader through the entire game AI development process


Ian Millington is a British developer and author of books and courses on software development, particularly in the fields of artificial intelligence, decision support and game physics engine development.
John Funge recently joined Netflix to start and lead the new Game Platforms group. Previously, John co-founded AiLive (formerly iKuni) and spent nearly ten years helping to create a successful company that is now well known for its pioneering machine learning technology for games. AiLive co-created the Wii MotionPlus hardware and has established its LiveMove products as the industry standard for automatic motion recognition. John is also an Assistant Adjunct Professor at the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) where he teaches a Game AI course that he proposed, designed and developed.


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