Maya Python for Games and Film: A Complete Reference for Maya Python and the Maya Python API (Hardcover)

Maya Python for Games and Film: A Complete Reference for Maya Python and the Maya Python API (Hardcover)

作者: Adam Mechtley Ryan Trowbridge
出版社: Morgan Kaufmann
出版在: 2011-09-28
ISBN-13: 9780123785787
ISBN-10: 0123785782
裝訂格式: Hardcover
總頁數: 381 頁


Maya Python for Games and Film is the first book to focus exclusively on how to implement Python with Maya. Written by trusted authorities in the field, this in-depth guide will help you master Maya Python, whether you're a seasoned technical artist looking to make the transition from MEL to Python or an aspiring artist not wanting to scramble for information.
With this book, you'll:        

Save yourself from having to scour the web for information on Maya Python-everything you need is in this book
Transition from MEL to Python seamlessly thanks to side-by-side comparisons of Python and MEL equivalents
Learn from award-winning titles like Uncharted: Drake's Fortune how to harness the power of Maya Python
Gain access to a powerful website, complete with script examples, scene files, additional scripts, and templates for API projects


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