Practical Tableau: 100 Tips, Tutorials, and Strategies from a Tableau Zen Master

Practical Tableau: 100 Tips, Tutorials, and Strategies from a Tableau Zen Master

作者: Ryan Sleeper
出版社: O'Reilly
出版在: 2018-04-30
ISBN-13: 9781491977316
ISBN-10: 1491977310
裝訂格式: Paperback
總頁數: 624 頁


If you’re just getting started with Tableau software—or already know the basics—this practical book will take you to the next level for building compelling, interactive data visualization applications. Author Ryan Sleeper is one of the most qualified Tableau consultants in the world, having earned the titles of Tableau Zen Master (2016/17), Tableau Iron Viz Champion (2013), and author of the Tableau Public Visualization of the Year (2015). Practical Tableau takes you beyond web posts and videos to give you a firm understanding in Tableau for finding valuable insights in data.
You’ll start with the fundamentals—either to learn them for the first time or to brush up on key concepts—and then dive into a strategic framework for data visualization and storytelling techniques. You’ll also learn valuable tips and tricks created by the author.
Practical Tableau is organized into five sections:

Fundamentals: get started using Tableau from scratch
Framework: explore the INSIGHT framework, a proprietary process for building Tableau dashboards
Storytelling: learn tangible tactics for storytelling with data
Chart Types: use step-by-step tutorials to build a variety of charts in Tableau
Tips & Tricks: learn innovative uses of parameters, color theory, making your Tableau workbooks run efficiently, and more



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