Python Programming in Context, 3/e (Paperback)

Python Programming in Context, 3/e (Paperback)

作者: Miller Bradley N. Ranum David L. Anderson Julie
出版社: Jones and Bartlett
出版在: 2019-10-15
ISBN-13: 9781284175554
ISBN-10: 1284175553
裝訂格式: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
總頁數: 498 頁


Python Programming in Context, Third Edition provides a comprehensive and accessible introduction to Python fundamentals. Updated with Python 3.8, the new Third Edition offers a thorough overview of multiple applied areas, including image processing, cryptography, astronomy, the Internet, and bioinformatics. Taking an active learning approach, each chapter starts with a comprehensive real-world project that teaches core design techniques and Python programming to immediately engage students. An ideal first language for learners entering the rapidly expanding fields of computer science, data science, and scientific programing, Python gives students a solid platform of key problem-solving skills that translate easily across programming languages.
The Third Edition's emphasis on problem-solving, extrapolation, and the development of independent exploration and solution-building provides students with a unique and innovative approach to learning programming. While students solve problems of general interest, language elements are introduced with deliberate and incremental exposure to the fundamentals. Python Programming in Context, Third Edition is the ideal introductory text for those learning the Python language.


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