Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Architect Associate All-In-One Exam Guide (Exam 1z0-1072)
Pass the new Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Architect Associate exam with ease
Take the brand-new Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Architect Associate exam with confidence using the detailed information contained in this highly effective self-study system. You will get step-by-step exercises, 140 accurate practice questions, and end-of-chapter reviews. All practice questions match those on the live test in content, tone, and format.
Written by an Oracle expert and supported by the Oracle certification development team, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Architect Associate All-in-One Exam Guide (Exam 1Z0-932) features learning objectives and in-depth explanations. "Notes," "Tips," and "Cautions" throughout provide professional insight and call out potentially harmful situations. Beyond exam preparation, this Oracle Press guide also serves as a valuable on-the-job reference.
-Contains complete coverage of every subject on exam 1Z0-932-Written by an expert technologist and certification author -Electronic content includes 140 practice questions and a fully-customizable online test engine
Roopesh Ramklass, OCP, OCM, is Senior Data Architect with more than 15 years of experience in managing and executing IT development projects, including infrastructure systems provisioning, software development, and systems integration. He is the author or co-author of OCA Oracle Database 12c SQL Fundamentals I Exam Guide and OCA/OCP Oracle Database 12c All-in-One Exam Guide.