Arduino + Visual Basic 6.0: Make your own software to control Arduino Robot
This book deals with Arduino + Visual basic 6.0 Serial communication and is a most suitable book for the beginner people in the field of Arduino and Pc based controlling system .contains are also chosen according to the need of beginner learner . This book will help you to learn about Arduino and Visual basic 6.0 basic interfaces. as name suggest this is a practical book so nothing is going to describe in detail just follow the steps and you will able to control all motors , Leds , Arduino base wireless Robot with your own visual basic 6.0 software. A large number of program and do it yourself activity are included to help reader to get a clear understanding of practical controlling. Every example is described with suitable breadboard circuit which made with Fritzing.org http://fritzing.org/home/ software. Which gives a clear idea about circuit implementation with Arduino . And again visual basic 6.0 is a ideal for beginner to make a some cool projects with Arduino . I do all the program with Visual Basic 6.0 which works fine with windows 7, windows 8 (according to Microsoft Product Detail). This book will help you 1. Control Leds with Arduino and Visual Basic 6.0. 2. Control Dc Motor With Arduino and Visual Basic 6.0. 3. Control Stepper Motor with Arduino and Visual Basic 6.0. 4. Control Servo Motor with Arduino and Visual Basic 6.0. 5. Make voice guidance program in Visual Basic 6.0 6. Interfacing RF Module with Arduino and Visual Basic 6.0. 7. Make simple Pc operated Wireless Arduino Robot.