Jumpstart Cmm/cmmi Software Process Improvement: Using Ieee Software Engineering
This book takes the
CMM®/CMMI®-SW (Staged) Level 2 process appraisal
methodology and performs a mapping against where this information is found in
the IEEE Standards. The assumption is made that the standards are
implemented as is, with no tailoring. This provides the reader
with information regarding the value added by using the IEEE Standards to
implement and define software process. The strengths and weaknesses of
these standards are a by-product of this comparison.
The CMM® and CMMI® do not
tell the user ‘how’ to satisfy their KPA criteria. The CMM®
and CMMI® are descriptive. They do not describe how to
accomplish their goals but describe the criteria that the end results should
support. IEEE Standards are prescriptive. These standards describe
how to fulfill the requirements associated with effective software project
For organizations that do not wish to pursue
CMM®/CMMI® Level 2 accreditation this document will show
how the application of IEEE Standards, and their use as reference material,
can facilitate the development of sound software engineering practices.
Table of
Chapter 1. Introduction and Overview.
Chapter 2. Summary of SW-CMM®.
Chapter 3. Summary of CMMI-SW®.
Chapter 4. Differences Between CMM® and CMMI-SW®.
Chapter 5. IEEE Software Engineering Standards.
Chapter 6. Using IEEE Standards to Achieve
Software Process Improvement.
Appendix A. IEEE Standards Abstracts.
Appendix B. Level 2 Mappings of CMMI-E/SW/IPPD®
V.1.1 to SW-CMM® V.1.1.
Tables and Figures.