An Introduction to Object Oriented Analysis: Object and UML in Plain English, 2/e
This book is a very general and accessible introduction to Object Oriented
Analysis. It contains extensive pedagogy and incorporates patient explanations,
making it ideal for beginners. Incorporation of real-world examples, case
studies, and in depth theory and skills for practical application makes this
book very user-friendly.
Table of Contents
An Introduction to the Book.
Systems Development and the Software Crisis.
Models and Modeling.
Data-Oriented Models.
Objects and Classes.
The Object-Oriented Development Life Cycle.
Building the Requirements Model.
Properties of Objects and Classes.
Finding Objects and Classes in the Real World.
Object States and the Statechart Diagram.
Following the Trail: Examining Execution Sequences.
Object-Oriented Design.
Implementation: OOPLs and ODBMSs.
Moving to Object-Oriented Techniques.
The People Side of Systems Development.
"The Royal Korona Yacht Club" Membership System.
Appendix: Answers to End-of-Chapter Exercises.