Architecting Angular Applications  Flux, Redux & ngrx

Architecting Angular Applications Flux, Redux & ngrx

作者: Christoffer Noring
出版社: Packt Publishing
出版在: 2018-03-27
ISBN-13: 9781787122406
ISBN-10: 1787122409
裝訂格式: Paperback
總頁數: 364 頁


Key Features

Learn what makes a good angular application architecture
Use Redux to write performant, consistent Angular applications
Bring the one-way data flow architecture to your Angular apps

Book Description
RxJS is used to architect the internal state of your application to make it easier to develop, test and debug. Angular doesn't prescribe any specific internal architecture. When it comes Angular, you can combine ngRx which is Redux for Angular with RxJS. It's the best of both worlds, the simplicity of Redux plus the reactive programming power of RxJS helps to build your application architecture which makes your code elegant, easy to "reason" about, debug and test.
This book will teach you to build highly performing architecture for your applications by combining the power of Flux, Redux & ngrx. It starts by retrospecting the way we use to build apps in AngularJS and will look at one way data flow and Flux pattern with concepts such as Dispatcher, Action, Stores and Controller Views. You will then learn to structure your async code and see how to model Streams and Values over time, manipulate data streams. Additionally, you will get familiar with the basics of RxJS and later explore advanced operators, Subjects, Schedulers, Error handling, Testing, Tools. Furthermore, you will not only get to know the Redux pattern but also will understand when and why you need it. Towards the end, you will realize why ngrx and Angular go so well together. You will also see how to debug your application with selected tools as well as test different facets of your app
By the end of the book, you will be able to build your own light weight app using Flux, Redux & ngrx.
What you will learn

Understand one way data flow and Flux pattern
Work with Functional programming and Asynchronous data streams
Figure out how RxJS can help us address the flaws in/of Promises
Set up cascading different versions of cascading calls
Explore more advanced operators such as flatMap, switchMap, Subjects, Schedulers and Error handling approaches.
Get familiar with Redux pattern and its three principles
Test and Debug different features of your app.


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