J2EE Design Patterns
Crawford and Kaplan's J2EE Design Patterns approaches the subject in a
unique, highly practical and pragmatic way. Rather than simply present another
catalog of design patterns, the authors broaden the scope by discussing ways to
choose design patterns when building an enterprise application from scratch,
looking closely at the real world tradeoffs that Java developers must weigh when
architecting their applications. Then they go on to show how to apply the
patterns when writing realworld software. They also extend design patterns into
areas not covered in other books, presenting original patterns for data
modeling, transaction / process modeling, and interoperability.
Table of Contents
- Java Enterprise Design Design Patterns
J2EE Application Tiers
Core Development Concepts
Looking Ahead - The Unified Modeling Language Origins
of UML The Magnificent Seven
UML and Software Development Lifecycles Use
Case Diagrams Class Diagrams
Interaction Diagrams Activity Diagrams
Deployment Diagrams - Presentation Tier Architecture
Server-Side Presentation Tier Application
Structure Building a Central Controller - Advanced Presentation Tier Design Reuse
in Web Applications Extending the Controller
Advanced Views - Presentation Tier Scalability
Scalability and Bottlenecks Content Caching
Resource Pool - The Business Tier The Business Tier
Domain Objects - Tier Communications Data Transfer
Patterns - Database and Data Patterns Data Access
Patterns Primary Key Patterns
Object-Relational Mappings - Business Tier Interfaces Abstracting
Business Logic Accessing Remote Services
Finding Resources - Enterprise Concurrency Transaction
Management General Concurrency Patterns
Implementing Concurrency Messaging Messaging and Integration
Message Distribution Patterns
Message Types Correlating Messages
Message Client Patterns
Messaging and Integration For Further ReadingJ2EE Antipatterns Causes of
Antipatterns Architectural Antipatterns
Presentation Tier Antipatterns
EJB Antipatterns
A. Presentation Tier Patterns
B. Business Tier Patterns
C. Messaging Patterns
D. J2EE Antipatterns