Introductory Linear Algebra: An Application-Oriented First Course, 8/e (Paperback)

Introductory Linear Algebra: An Application-Oriented First Course, 8/e (Paperback)

作者: Bernard Kolman David R. Hill
出版社: Pearson FT Press
出版在: 2004-12-31
ISBN-13: 9789576099144
ISBN-10: 9576099145


For freshman/sophomore-level courses in Linear Algebra. 
This book provides an applied introduction to the basic ideas, computational techniques, and applications of linear algebra. The most applied of our basic books in this market, this text has a superb range of problem sets. Calculus is not a prerequisite, although examples and exercises using very basic calculus are included (labeled “Calculus Required.”) The most technology-friendly text on the market, Introductory Linear Algebra is also the most flexible. By omitting certain sections, instructors can cover the essentials of linear algebra (including eigenvalues and eigenvectors) and introduce applications of linear algebra in a one-semester course.


Ch.1 Linear Equations and Matrices
Ch.2 Applications of Linear Equations and Matrices (Optional)
Ch.3 Determinants
Ch.4 Vectors in Rn 
Ch.5 Applications of Vectors in R2 and R3 (Optional)
Ch.6 Real Vector Spaces
Ch.7 Applications of Real Vector Spaces (Optional)
Ch.8 Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors, and Diagonalization
Ch.9 Applications of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors (Optional)
Ch.10 Linear Transformations and Matrices
Ch.11 Linear Programming (Optional)
Ch.12 MATLAB for Linear Algebra
APPENDIX A Complex Numbers
APPENDIX B Further Directions
Answers to Odd-Numbered Exercises and Chapter Tests


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