Propeller Programming: Using Assembler, Spin, and C

Propeller Programming: Using Assembler, Spin, and C

作者: Sridhar Anandakrishnan
出版社: Apress
出版在: 2018-04-05
ISBN-13: 9781484233535
ISBN-10: 1484233530
裝訂格式: Paperback
總頁數: 336 頁


Learn to program the propeller in Spin and C and how to map the Propeller Assembler language (PASM) from other high-level languages you might know.
The overall task you will pursue in the book is to implement a Delta Compression algorithm: first in Spin, then in PASM, then in C. Along the way, you'll review Test Driven Development,  a powerful technique for validating code, and conclude with a chapter on hardware manipulations. The book's main goal is to help you extend the capabilities of the Propeller processor by using the Assembler language.
What You’ll Learn

Use a data compression/decompression application to introduce PASM to the reader
Integrate C and PASM code
Review hardware interactions (setting and reading pins)

Who This Book Is For
Those who are familiar with Spin programming for the Parallax Propeller but have an interest in learning Propeller C and Propeller Assembler (PASM) programming. Some knowledge of C or Python is also helpful.



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