Basics of Web Design: HTML5 and CSS3 (Paperback)

Basics of Web Design: HTML5 and CSS3 (Paperback)

作者: Terry Morris Terry Felke-Morris
出版社: Addison Wesley
出版在: 2011-03-07
ISBN-13: 9780137003389
ISBN-10: 0137003382
裝訂格式: Paperback
總頁數: 368 頁


Basics of Web Design: HTML, XHTML, and CSS is intended for use in a beginning web design or web development course. The text covers the basics that web designers need to develop their skills: Internet and Web concepts overviewCreate web pages with XHTML and HTML5Configure color and text with CSSConfigure page layout with CSSConfigure images and multimediaExplore new CSS3 propertiesApply Web Design Best PracticesDesign accessible and usable web pagesDesign for search engine optimizationChoose a domain namePublish to the Web


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