High Performance Android Apps: Improve Ratings with Speed, Optimizations, and Testing (Paperback)

High Performance Android Apps: Improve Ratings with Speed, Optimizations, and Testing (Paperback)

作者: Doug Sillars
出版社: O'Reilly
出版在: 2015-10-27
ISBN-13: 9781491912515
ISBN-10: 1491912510
裝訂格式: Paperback
總頁數: 264 頁


Unique and clever ideas are important when building a hot-selling Android app, but the real drivers for success are speed, efficiency, and power management. With this practical guide, you’ll learn the major performance issues confronting Android app developers, and the tools you need to diagnose problems early.Customers are finally realizing that apps have a major role in the performance of their Android devices. Author Doug Sillars not only shows you how to use Android-specific testing tools from companies including Google, Qualcomm, and AT&T, but also helps you explore potential remedies. You’ll discover ways to build apps that run well on all 19,000 Android device types in use.Understand how performance issues affect app sales and retentionBuild an Android device lab to maximize UI, functional, and performance testingImprove the way your app interacts with device hardwareOptimize your UI for fast rendering, scrolling, and animationsTrack down memory leaks and CPU issues that affect performanceUpgrade communications with the server, and learn how your app performs on slower networksApply Real User Monitoring (RUM) to ensure that every device is delivering the optimal user experience


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